Disk No: 1195 Program Title: PC-SHIFT version 1.00sw PC-SIG version 1 PC-SHIFT is a program that will help organize your employee shift schedule. PC-SHIFT allows you to divide the jobs by location or category and then lets you describe each job required for each area. The job descriptions consist of the beginning date, the location or department, the job title or description, the minimum and maximum qualification level, and the minimum and maximum security level. PC-SHIFT then lets you enter a schedule for each job, showing a chart of each hour of the day divided into 15-minute intervals. Once all the data is entered, you may display or print a report on a 12-hour schedule, a 24-hour schedule, a 24-hour chart, or a report on all the job descriptions. Usage: Employee Shift Scheduling. Special Requirements: A printer for the reports. How to Start: Type GO (press enter). Suggested Registration: $39.95 File Descriptions: PCSHIFT EXE Main program. PCSHIFT MAN Documentation. ESJOBS DBF Database file. README How to get started. MENU SCR Menu screen. 1 BAT Installation file. 2 BAT Installation file. HELP BAT Types MENU.SCR. PRINTMAN EXE Print file. 3 BAT Installation file. 4 BAT Installation file. EMPTY DBF Database file. MENU BAT Types MENU.SCR. 5 BAT Installation file. PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1988 PC-SIG, Inc.