HOW TO SEARCH FOR A PROPERTY WHICH MEETS YOUR REQUIREMENTS                                                                                               1)  First of all you may choose which districts to look in.                    If you enter 0 into all 3 choices for district, then the computer will          look in all the districts for properties which meet your other requirements.    However you may confine the search to 1, 2 or 3 particular districts by         entering the district numbers you are interested in.                                                                                                             2)  Next you may enter the types of property you are looking for.              Up to 3 types my be specified, leaving all blank will search through all        types for properties which meet your other requirements.                                                                                                         3)  Next you may enter values for the maximum rent you are prepared to         pay (or maximum sale price ), the minimum floor area that you require,          and the minimum number of bedrooms required.  If these are unimportant          use  a high rent/sale value and low values for the area and bedrooms.                                                                                            4)  For the other choices, eg parking, a Y means Yes you want it,              an N means No you don`t want it and a blank means it doesn`t matter.                                                                                             5)  You may enter U, F, S, or a blank for Un/Furnished, Serviced or            no particular requirement in the furnished/serviced choice.                                                                                                                        PRESS ANY KEY TO RETURN TO THE PROGRAM