Disk No: 2377 Disk Title: Information Please! PC-SIG Version: S2.08 Program Title: Information Please! Author Version: 2.08 Author Registration: $49.00 Special Requirements: 364K RAM. Hard drive recommended. INFORMATION PLEASE! is a text storage and retrieval program that stores and retrieves full-text information, such as memos, catalogs, briefs, letters, invoices, product descriptions, articles, scientific papers, and so on. You can enter information from the keyboard or import it from an ASCII file. Search, display, and print entries using keyword or full-text searches that allow multiple AND and OR criteria. Relate text to a PCX graphic or another program. User interface is an easy-to-learn pull-down menu (Windows-like) interface. The program contains an example "textbase" with help for dealing with DOS disk problems. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.