INVOICE Remit to: From: K.I.T.A.L. Software ________________________________ P.O. Box 748 ________________________________ Karmiel 20100 ISRAEL ________________________________ (972)-4-987255 ________________________________ ________________________________ Qty Unit Price Total Register only The SUPER MACRO ___ LIBRARY for Lotus 1-2-3 (no disks) $50.00 ______ Register The SUPER MACRO LIBRARY ___ for Lotus 1-2-3 and send disks $59.00 ______ Send the latest release on disk/s ___ for registered users $9.00 ______ The "SUPER POWER" book (COMMERCIAL) at %40 off, PLUS registration fee for the SUPER MACRO LIBRARY without ___ disks $77.00 ______ The same as above + Latest release ___ of the SUPER MACRO LIBRARY on disks $81.00 ______ The "SUPER POWER" book (COMMERCIAL) ___ for non-registered users $41.00 ______ Prices include shipping and handling. Total ______ SUPER MACRO LIBRARY: 360K ____ 720K ____ 1.2M ____ 1.44M Disk/s SUPER POWER book (COMMERCIAL) ____ 1.2M ____ 1.44M Disk Note that upon receipt of this paid invoice (check in US Dollars Drawn on a US bank, see ORDER.TXT for other payment options) you are registered for two (2) years, and you can legally use newer version that you download from a BBS or purchase as an evaluation copy from a shareware distributor. We do not send the latest release when you register, you can always find it the same way you have found your current version, however as a special service to our faithful customers we can send you the latest release on disk/s for a charge of $9 any time during the two years period. We reserve the right to send you the upgrade disk/s on lower density disk that fit your drive (for example, 720K instead of 1.44M). The COMMERCIAL book "SUPER POWER MACROS, TECHNIQUES AND SECRETS FOR LOTUS 1-2-3" is available only on 1.2M or 1.44M disks. The SUPER.HLP file is 993 KByte in size after compression by the help compiler or 4 MByte as an *.rtf file before compression.