EXAMPLE0.TXT The legal description is as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at two hickories, S 5 W 48 poles to a hickory and dogwood; thence Southeast 18 poles to two white oaks; thence N 77 E 16 poles to a black oak and walnut; thence N 55 E 52 poles to a black elm and hickory; thence running with the West side of said Allen Bridge Road to a stake at the highway; thence with said highway West to a white oak; thence with Frank Sullivan's line to two hickories, the beginning. Containing 15 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: ALL OF THAT PORTION of a tract known as the Poore heirs tract that is surrounded by the old Monticello-Jamestown Road, the road formerly known as West KY 92, and the driveway to the Allen Bridge Road. There is also included that portion of said land that includes the driveway serving both the property known as the Poore heirs tract and the Selvidge tract. It being the intention of the parties that both the first and second parties shall have the right to utilize this driveway for access to their respective properties. Part of the description has actual directions and distances, part calls for obvious boundaries such as roads, and other parts just mention the other feller's property. CAVEMAP can handle only directions and distances. I surveyed the boundaries as shown by the owner. This is typical of what you should be able to accomplish with this surveying method. This was a spur of the moment job, with a Suunto MC-1 (a variety of compass similar to the Silva Ranger) which I had never used before this trip. I prefer the Ranger. I used the built-in clinometer, just to see how convenient it was. The increase in the accuracy of the results did not justify the added effort. I used a 100 foot tape, because that was all I had. I used one assistant, who knew the way. He advanced with the tape end, and I used his hat for a target. The data are recorded in EXAMPLE0.CAV, to be used as data for CAVEMAP1. From CAVEMAP, R = Read the file. You may then D = Display duh data and L = List the calculated coordinates. You may M = Map on the screen (in CGA graphics) and maybe onto your printer. The scale and aspect will be incorrect until you K = Kalibrate the map. If you C = Close the loop between WEM0 and WEM69A, you will see that I had an error of 90 feet in a run of 5649 feet, a 1.6% error. This is higher than normal for my careful work (this rush job took only about 3 hours), but it still is plenty good enuf for my purposes. I bought the property based on this survey. You can add the calls from the description of the first tract. I = instrument to change to quadrants and poles, A = assign an arbitrary starting location, S = shoot the stations, and then B = reassign the first station such that the last station equals WEM16. Note that we did not try to survey on this line. You can buy this vacation/retirement property on Lake Cumberland Kentucky for $15,000. See EARLLAND.TXT for more details.