------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files included in the Grades v2.70 package ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GO.BAT - Batch file to run first. GRADES27.EXE - The Grades program itself. CONFIG.EXE - The Configuration program. INSTALL.EXE - The Installation program. COLOR.EXE - Transfers colors from GRADES26.EXE to GRADES27.EXE. README.COM - Read this for information. CURVE.COM - A file about the Grading Curve. SCHOOLS.COM - Information about different versions of Grades. MANUAL.DOC - The complete 25 page Manual. UPDATE.DOC - The update manual for v2.70. COMMENTS.DOC - A form for comments on the Interface. HISTORY.DOC - Short history of Grades. ORDER.DOC - Quick order form for Grades. PRODUCTS.TXT - Other products from SupremeSoft. SASK.DOC - Documentation for SupremeAsk. SASK.EXE - SupremeAsk program. WHATS.NEW - A listing of new or improved features. And of course this file....