Program Title: F.Godmom 4.0 Author ID Number: 45371*SOG Program Description: In F.Godmom you play a fairy godmother on a mission to free fifty of your fellow fairy godmothers. Armed only with your wits and your magic wand of transformation, you must make your way across fifty levels while avoiding killer crabs and dangerous dimensional implosions. If you succeed, your fellow fairy godmothers will celebrate in your honor with music and dancing. If not, it's curtains for you. Intended Users: Arcade/Puzzle Game Players Update Improvements Over Previous Versions: 1) IMPROVED GRAPHICS: F.Godmom 4.0 features much improved graphics. The artists behind the Commander Keen series and Wolfenstein 3-D took an interest in my game and were nice enough to help me improve my graphics. 2) IMPROVED KEYBOARD SUPPORT: You will find the keyboard much more responsive in this version of F.Godmom. Also, the game no longer has problems reading XT keyboards. 3) MENUS: The player can now access all parts of the game through the front-end, pop-up and help menus. 4) GRAPHIC HELP: The help pages are now in graphical form with illustrations of important characters. 5) SIMPLIFIED LEVELS: Over half the levels have been simplified to make the game more accessible to the novice player. In addition, the player can now set the pursuing crabs to half speed. Unique Features: 1) Fully animated, cartoon-like graphics which operate on CGA, EGA and VGA monitors; 2) Boss key, with one keystroke you can hide the fact that you are playing a game; 3) On-line help; 4) Save and restore; 5) Fifty different levels filled with puzzles, hidden messages and hidden pictures (a list of hidden messages and pictures is available on request); 6) After you have completed all fifty levels, F.Godmom rewards you with a show, complete with music and dancing. Program Title: F.Godmom 4.0 Author ID Number: 45371*SOG Special System Requirement: CGA, EGA or VGA graphics. How To Start The Program: Enter "FGODMOM" at the DOS prompt. (Or "FGODMOM CGA" if you would like to see the CGA graphics.) Registrations: Regular users of F.Godmom should register their copy at the $5, $10 or $20 level. Users registered at the $5 level get "F.Godmom Tips and Secrets" which has tips for playing F.Godmom and information on how to make the game more fun to play (by warping to other levels, making the fairies dance, speeding-up the game, disguising the fairy as a crab, etc.) Users registered at the $10 level get a disk with the latest version of F.Godmom and "Fifty Extra Levels For The Game F.Godmom" plus a copy of "F.Godmom Tips and Secrets." Users registered at the $20 level get "F.Godmom Solutions," a book with solutions to the first fifty levels, plus the latest version of F.Godmom, "Fifty Extra Levels For The Game F.Godmom" and "F.Godmom Tips and Secrets." Users who are not yet ready to register can get free information on warping to other levels and making the fairies dance on command by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: FREE F.GODMOM STUFF 48 WALBROOK AVENUE DAYTON, OH 45405 Files: FGODMOM.EXE (the main game program) FGODMOM.DOC (the printable documentation file) (11 pages) READ.ME (some help to get started) ORDERFRM.DOC (the printable, registration order form)