SHAPE SHOOTER 1.0 Copyright (C) 1991 Craig P. Thompson Way Out West-ware P.O. BOX 353 Gilbert, AZ 85234 SHAPE SHOOTER is a powerful graphics designer and animator that enables programmers to quickly produce high quality graphics for use in games and other applications requiring animation. Even if you are not a programmer, you can have fun designing your own animation sequences. The Microsoft QuickBasic (tm) source code (DEMO.BAS) is included to illustrate how to use the data that SHAPE SHOOTER produces in your own QuickBasic (tm) programs. To get started, try loading the shapes TEX1.WOW, TEX2.WOW, and TEX3.WOW into the first three frames and select F8 to animate them. Then you will be ready to create your own Kung-Fu thugs, Cosmic Conveyances, and Jungle Slime to use in your own programs. SHAPE SHOOTER is the copyrighted property of Craig Thompson of Way Out West-ware, and is distributed as SHAREWARE. You are granted a limited license to use SHAPE SHOOTER and to copy and distribute it, provided that the following conditions are met: 1. No fee may be charged for such copying and distribution aside from a nominal disk copying fee. 2. SHAPE SHOOTER may only be distributed in its original, unmodified form, complete with data files and this documentation. You are encouraged to make copies of, and allow others to make copies of this program - but only if all original files are complete and unmodified. We retain all other rights. In no case do we give the right to make, copy or distribute modified versions of, or works derived from, the executable or document files. As SHAPE SHOOTER is SHAREWARE, if you decide to keep the program beyond a two or three day evaluation period, you must register it by sending a check or money order for $10.00 to Way Out West-ware at the above address. Alternatively, you can become a registered user of the latest release of SHAPE SHOOTER and receive a disk full of demo shapes by sending $15.00 to Way Out West-ware. Please make a note of the version you currently have and whether you would like 3«" or 5¬" diskettes. Thank you in advance for supporting the SHAREWARE concept. I would also like this opportunity to thank God for giving me the ability to write this program, and my wife Robyn Leah for her undying patience during the many hours I spent in front of the computer. Microsoft is a registered trademark and QuickBasic is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.