Disk No: 2452 Disk Title: The Magic Font Machine PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: The Magic Font Machine Author Version: 1.5 Author Registration: $14.95 Special Requirements: Color monitor recommended. Want to make some eye catching bulletin board advertisements, notes, or screens. If so, THE MAGIC FONT MACHINE will help you make and display brilliantly colored screens with 20 combinations of foreground/background colors. You can have the whole screen in poster mode (non flashing) or electric mode (flashing). The screens you make are saved in files and can be used one at a time or altogether to make a slide show. You can even upload screens to computer bulletin boards for advertisements or messages. The directions are so easy we listed them below for you to see how easy THE MAGIC FONT MACHINE is to use! ~Type first line of text. ~Text appears instantly in mammoth superfonts. ~Select mode and background/foreground colors from the menu. ~Position text with ight and eft keys. ~Try different color combinations before saving the line. ~Select the dit to retype the line if necessary. ~ave the line when satisfied, and go on to the next line or screen. Thaaaaats all folks! Be creative and have fun with THE MAGIC FONT MACHINE! PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.