Disk No: 1516 Disk Title: Home Bartender's Guide PC-SIG Version: S2.0 Program Title: Home-Bartenders Guide Author Version: 12/89 Author Registration: $5.00 Special Requirements: None. You may not learn how to juggle bottles in the air like Tom Cruise did in the movie "Cocktail," but HOME BARTENDER will teach you the secrets to mixing all those hysterical drinks you saw being happily quaffed by his patrons! Learn how to make drinks like a professional bartender, including the Alabama Slammer, Colorado Bulldog, Fuzzy Navel, Harvey Wallbanger, Orgasm, Rusty Nail, Singapore Sling, and 142 more libation favorites. The drinks are divided into categories which include frozen drinks, Polynesian drinks, cream drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, martinis and Manhattans, champagne and wine drinks, and coffee drinks, etc. For each drink HOME BARTENDER provides the ingredients, the directions, and what type of glass should be used. All the drinks may be selected from a system of menus, or referenced from the index. Information is also PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.