Disk No: 2080 Disk Title: Wine Cellar PC-SIG Version: S2.0A Program Title: Wine Cellar Author Version: 2.0.A Author Registration: $25.00 Special Requirements: No Special Requirements. WINE CELLAR is a simple database designed to keep track of all the wines you have encountered, good and bad, and your evaluation of each one. This database allows you to store practically every bit of information about the wine: each record contains fields for the name of the winery, the variety of wine, the color of the wine, the vintage year, the place the wine was grown and where it was bottled, the date the wine was bought, the cost of the wine, the percentage of alcohol, and a one line comment concerning how the wine tasted. WINE CELLAR allows you to edit, search, and print the records. The wine records may be selectively searched by any field of the records, and the results may be sent to the screen or the printer. A floppy disk will contain all the working files and about 1300 wine records, but the number of wine records that WINE CELLAR may store on a hard disk is practically unlimited. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.