Disk No: 2287 Disk Title: File/Archive PC-SIG Version: S2 Program Title: FILE/ARCHIVE Author Version: 2.00 Author Registration: $50.00 Special Requirements: Hard drive recommended. At last, a self-activating utility for analyzing and archiving files on a hard disk. Using criteria set by the user, the system looks for files which may no longer be active and offers the user the opportunity to either remove them completely or archive (move) them from their current location. Technically a hard disk is not required, but the system's value is in its ability to scan large amounts of data and automatically select data needing attention. To use the system, pre-select directories to be periodically analyzed. A master configuration record tells FILE/ARCHIVE how often to look at directory entries to see whether they should be analyzed. By including the proper command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the system can be made totally automatic. The only thing it will not do automatically is actually archive files -- it merely presents the files that meet the selection criteria in a menu and asks if you would like to archive or delete any of them. Any files that are selected are then moved to a designated archive location, usually a floppy disk. Customize several parameters such as a variety of default values, specify whether to include system or hidden files in the analysis (although it won't allow you to archive such files as long as they have those attributes), specify whether or not to use DOS' Write Verify feature, assign your own function keys, and more. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.