Disk No: 2900 Disk Title: 4DOS 2 of 2 (also #1773) PC-SIG Version: S4.1 Program Title: 4DOS Author Version: 4.0 Author Registration: $69.00 Special Requirements: 475K RAM and a hard drive. 4DOS is designed to make DOS more powerful and easier to use by replacing your COMMAND.COM file with a new command interpreter. You'll find 4DOS provides a wide variety of capabilities that regular COMMAND.COM can't -- like an enhanced DIR command, point-and-shoot file selection for any command, or the ability to completely redefine your system's commands. It provides enhancements to most of the DOS commands and introduces more than 40 new commands. Yet 4DOS is fully compatible with COMMAND.COM. You'll wonder how you ever got along with DOS alone. It is compatible with virtually all pc hardware and software, including most networks and most TSR (memory resident) programs. It requires less than 3K of RAM while applications are running (less than COMMAND.COM). 4DOS is a "DOS shell" but is unlike most DOS shells on the market. It doesn't isolate you from the DOS command line; it makes you more productive while working at the command line. If you're tired of the limitations of DOS, you'll love 4DOS. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.