Disk No: 2979 Disk Title: dCOM The Directory Commander 1/2 (#3012) PC-SIG Version: S1 Program Title: dCOM The Directory Commander Author Version: 4.01 Author Registration: $29.00 Special Requirements: High density drive. Hard drive recommended. DCOM is a file manager for the experienced user who can appreciate a few unique bells and whistles. One of its funner features is that it displays the executable file names in a different color than non-programs when presenting a list of files. DCOM also includes the ability to make macros and use them to create a pseudo-menu system. And the built-in editor lets you easily draw lines and boxes. Other features most users are used to purchasing separately include an alarm clock, activity log that records program usage, a keyboard lock that prevents unauthorized use of your system, a screen saver, a print spooler and full mouse support. Lots of stuff, eh! And then like many other file managers, DCOM lets you "tag" or specify groups of files to be copied, deleted, renamed, or moved. It lets you view or print text files, view a graphic representation of your directory structure, and move to different directories and drives from it. And you can execute the program from within DCOM, and use it as you own computing environment. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.