--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No: 567A&B TITLE: SOFTWARE JUKEBOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Software Jukebox is the latest innovation in Software marketing. It turns the PC into a Software vending machine that holds up to 200 of the most popular software disks. The PC becomes a very colorful, attention getting, advertising tool while just sitting on the dealer's counter. Despensing of the is easy and convenient. The total involement by the dealer is collecting the copying charges after the customer is finished copying all the disks that they require. The copying total is automatically tabulated on a totalizer built into the machine. ------------ SOFTWARE JUKEBOX ----------------------------------- FILES DESCRIPTION DISK 567A ============================================================================= BROWSE COM Utility program for reading text files FILES TXT The file your now reading INFO BAT Information BAT file for the Software Jukebox NOTES TXT Notes file for the Software Jukebox READ ME Additional documentation for the Software Jukebox README SIF Special Shareware Information File INSTALL BAT Installation batch file DISK DAT Disk spec datafile DISKDESC DAT Disk description datafile JBOX EXE Archived file - Contains the following: ============================================================================= JUKEBOX EXE Main Program EDITOR EXE Editing program SETUP EXE Setup program for the Jukebox JUKEBOX DOC Jukebox manual DISK 567B ============================================================================== DISK191 EXE Compressed Lotto Buster program. This is the sample library disk for the Jukebox. FreeBooter(tm) Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-4800 Copyright 1992 FreeBooter(tm) Software