HOW TO INSTALL WINBATCH >>>AUTOMAGIC INSTALL Use our SETUP.EXE program, which will copy the files for you and install a WINBATCH group in the program manager with various sample files. To use our SETUP.EXE program... (Manual install instructions below) 1) Close down all extraneous Windows applications. 2) Double-Click on the SETUP.EXE program 3) When the setup program asks for a directory, specify initial directory, or accept the given default (C:\WINDOWS). NOTE: If you are updating from a previous version, and made any of the WinBatch files READ-ONLY, remove the read-only attribute from the files before running setup. (Or else the setup process will hang) >>>MANUAL INSTALL The manual install is not actually recommended, but here is a little information you may need if you insist on doing a manual install. Any file ending with a $ may be a compressed file which needs to be expanded with the provided expand.exe program before use. (This is mostly done with the disk based version of the product, not the ZipFile version) E.G. EXPAND.EXE WINBATCH.EX$ WINBATCH.EXE