Note 1. Telephone numbers in the 800 area code are called-party-pays numbers, called "WATS" or "toll free" calls; a caller within the area served by the 800 number may call that number at no charge as the caller. Callers at Pay Telephones often can dial an 800 number without deposit of coin, as the number is a "recipient pays" number, called "collect," "toll free" or "reverse charges" in the U.S. Note that 800 numbers dialed from outside the U.S. may require that the caller pay for the call depending on which carrier has issued the 800 number and from what country you are calling from. In some cases it may not be possible to call some 800 numbers because there is no means to access the carrier from outside of the United States, or the number is for use only for calls from part of one state, or a specific geographical area of the U.S. Note 2. Telephone numbers in the 900 area code are used for telephone service providers who are paid a fee for each call received, which can range from US 20c per minute to US $20 per call. Note that some telephone numbers in the 900 area code may or may not be dialable from outside the United States. The same rule applies to any local exchange number in an area code which begins with "976", as mentioned above, depending on whether the particular telephone company is tariffed to offer the service in other areas. Note 3. The 700 area code is reserved for use of each individual telephone carrier who may assign numbers for their own use or for persons who are customers of that carrier. Some numbers may be reserved by the carrier for connection to it for such things as finding out which carrier serves a line, some numbers may be reserved for conference call dial in numbers and/or setup numbers. At least one carrier is going to issue 700 area code numbers to individuals to allow them to use the number assigned as a forwarded number to some other telephone number, with the option of either charging the caller a fee to call the number or the subscriber of the number deciding accept the charge similar to an 800 number. Some carriers may install some services similar to area code 900 numbers on area code 700 lines. In some cases it may not be possible to reach some 700 area code numbers because one cannot obtain access to the telephone carrier supplying the 700 area code, or that particular number is only available in some states, or one cannot connect to that carrier from outside of the U.S. Note 4. The 700 area code is also being used by the Federal Government under its FTS-2000 system, in which telephone numbers which were 7 digits on the internal telephone system, are being translated back into the area code and commercial public (ordinary) telephone number they were originally issued to. In some cases some telephones do not have actual commercial numbers and are assigned their 7-digit FTS number with area code 700 in front of them. These numbers are not dialable except from U.S. Government telephones which are connected to the FTS-2000 network, or have authority to use the FTS carrier code 10FTS or the interconnect number 1-800-OFFNET-4. Note 5. Some U.S. Government numbers which are on the Sprint "B" FTS-2000 network which do not have regular commercial public numbers as indicated in note 4, will be assigned the area code 200 rather than 700. Numbers on the AT&T "A" FTS-2000 network which do not have regular commercial numbers will generally be assigned to the 700 area code, as indicated in note 4. Note 6. The 800 and 900 area codes are broken down piecemeal and individual three-digit prefixes are assigned to different long distance interexchange companies. As such, you may or may not be able to reach a particular 800 or 900 area code if you are calling from outside of the U.S., depending on which carrier you are connected to once you reach the U.S., and because some numbers are restricted to access from certain parts of the country or are only available during certain times of the week. Note 7. Area Code 905 is listed as not in use, some areas that do not have full international dialing use it as a ficticious area code for calls to Mexico. This only works from some places within the U.S. and cannot be used for calls from outside the U.S. There are reports that the area code 905 will be assigned to a part of Canada. Note 8. Reports are that the area code 909 will be assigned to Canada. I am unable to confirm this at this time as the three major interexchange carriers do not show it assigned for anything. Note 9. The code 710 is used for certain Telex II numbers on the telex network. Note A. The code 610 is reported as in use for Canadian Telex numbers. Note B. Area codes ending in 11 will probably not be used except as a last resort, because of the use of three digit codes for special three digit local numbers: Note C. Some private pay telephone providers are using special code 211 as the number for repair service for their pay telephones. Note D. Advertisements, books and motion pictures often use the area code 311 as a ficticious area code, and the prefix 555 ("KLondike 5") in any area code as a ficticious telephone exchange number. Note E. The special code 411 is often used for connection to directory assistance. Note F. The special code 611 is used for connection to telephone company repair service in some places. Note G. The special code 911 is being used for a universal number for connection to police, fire and emergency services. NOT USED: 200 (see note 5), 210, 211 (see note C), 300, 311 (see note D), 400, 411 (see note E), 500, 511, 600, 610 (see note A), 611 (see note F), 710 (see note 9), 711, 811, 905 (see note 7), 909 (see note 8), 911 (see note B) 200 * NOT USED (See note 5) 201 New Jersey 202 District of Columbia 203 Connecticut 204 C Manitoba 205 Alabama 206 Washington 207 Maine 208 Idaho 209 California 210 N NOT USED 211 * NOT USED (See Note C) 212 New York 213 California 214 Texas 215 Pennsylvania 216 Ohio 217 Illinois 218 Minnesota 219 Indiana 300 N NOT USED 301 Maryland 302 Delaware 303 Colorado 304 West Virginia 305 Florida 306 C Saskatchewan 307 Wyoming 308 Nebraska 309 Illinois 310 California 311 * NOT USED (See Note D) 312 Illinois 313 Michigan 314 Missouri 315 New York 316 Kansas 317 Indiana 318 Louisiana 319 Iowa 400 N NOT USED 401 Rhode Island 402 Nebraska 403 C Alberta, Northwest Territories, Yukon 404 Georgia 405 Oklahoma 406 Montana 407 Florida 408 California 409 Texas 410 Maryland 411 * NOT USED (See Note E) 412 Pennsylvania 413 Massachusetts 414 Wisconsin 415 California 416 C Ontario 417 Missouri 418 Quebec 419 Ohio 500 N NOT USED 501 Arkansas 502 Kentucky 503 Oregon 504 Louisiana 505 New Mexico 506 C New Brunswick 507 Minnesota 508 Massachusetts 509 Washington 510 California 511 N NOT USED 512 Texas 513 Ohio 514 C Quebec 515 Iowa 516 New York 517 Michigan 518 New York 519 C Ontario 600 N NOT USED 601 Mississippi 602 Arizona 603 New Hampshire 604 C British Columbia 605 South Dakota 606 Kentucky 607 New York 608 Wisconsin 609 New Jersey 610 * NOT USED (See note A) 611 * NOT USED (See note F) 612 Minnesota 613 C Ontario 614 Ohio 615 Tennessee 616 Michigan 617 Massachusetts 618 Illinois 619 California 700 * Carrier Service (See notes 3,4) 701 North Dakota 702 Nevada 703 Virginia 704 North Carolina 705 C Ontario 706 Georgia (Effective June 1, 1992) 707 California 708 Illinois 709 California 710 * NOT USED (See note 9) 711 N NOT USED 712 Iowa 713 Texas 714 California 715 Wisconsin 716 New York 717 Pennsylvania 718 New York 719 Colorado 800 * Toll Free (See notes 1,6) 801 Utah 802 Vermont 803 South Carolina 804 Virginia 805 California 806 Texas 807 C Ontario 808 Hawaii 809 Puerto Rico and Carribean Islands 810 N NOT USED 811 N NOT USED 812 Indiana 813 Florida 814 Pennsylvania 815 Illinois 816 Missouri 817 Texas 818 California 819 C Northwest Territories 900 * Dialing Service (See notes 2,6) 901 Tennessee 902 C Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 903 Texas 904 Florida 905 * NOT USED (See note 7) 906 Michigan 907 Alaska 908 New Jersey 909 * NOT USED (See note 8) 910 N NOT USED 911 * NOT USED (See note G) 912 Georgia 913 Kansas 914 New York 915 Texas 916 California 917 New York 918 Oklahoma 919 North Carolina