1/11/92 1.0 Finished first complete version of Auto Dialer. Features include: text boxes, pull down menus, full editor, variable colors, and variable modem strings. 1/12/92 1.1 Mini bug fix. Forgot to change default directory to a default setting. I guess I was in a rush. Pretty stupid mistake. Also updated manual for source code. 1/15/92 1.5 Lots of bugs I squashed. Didn't realize I had been so careless. I suppose most authors go through this, where they have big holes in their programs. Tried to add in support for more numbers, but it got too complicated so I decided to concentrate on bugs. Also updated manual again. 1/16/92 1.6 Couple more mistakes found. Boy was I dumb! I kick myself whenever I find a mistake. Also updated manual on Turbo Basic/QBasic source code differences.