ú Newsgroup: comp.sys.palmtops ú Message-ID: <1bodgaINN9ku@uwm.edu> ú Subject: HP-95LX BBS list I've recently found out about some HP-95LX BBSs. Most of them don't have that much, but there are some files on them that aren't available on eddie. Also, some people will be able to access BBSs easier than ftp sites. If anyone gets files from these BBSs, please post them or submit them to the eddie archive. I've already blown my long distance data budget for the month, not to mention the Compuserve stuff. HP BBS 503-750-4448 forum.hp95, files.hp95 503-740-3277 v.32 hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com telnet and ftp Terrapin BBS 708-657-9543 High Powered Hand Helds echo RTW BBS 501-636-0147 95 files Raiders of the Lost Arg 416-968-6633 95 files RPN BBS 206-881-0395 95 files -- <-:(= Anthony Stieber anthony@csd4.csd.uwm.edu uwm!uwmcsd4!anthony