London Orlando Compleat List Policy * I'll update the List as information comes in, and produce a copy every night automatically for downloading, viewing, and file requesting. * Before an entry goes on the List, I will dial the number directly to confirm that a carrier is present. Until then, the information will be 'on hold,' and not present on the List. I will try at least daily to get through at some time, whenever possible, and will give up after two weeks' attempts. If this occurs, please make special arrangements with me to get your system on the List, such as clearing the board at a certain time. * Listings that are found to be for private systems (ones that require 'front-end' passwords to log in to, or ones that are not accepting new users), or for systems that require payment for the meat of what they have to offer, will be removed. Advertising space on the List is always for sale, for those who are turning their BBS into a business and wish to be represented here. * Each Sunday morning, I will check every board's carrier in town by the use of a program I have authored which will confirm the presence of a carrier at the number listed as the BBS. Any systems not responding to the check two weeks running will be taken off of my List, but the information will be held 'offline' in case the board returns to life. * Each Monday morning, my system will send an accurate, checked copy of the List archive to as many FidoNet systems that are local to me that want a copy. Automatic processing of the List archive into bulletins and messages is encouraged. Those long-distance to me are encouraged to file request OCBL.ZIP on a regular basis, to maintain accuracy. * I will confirm that a carrier is present, but I cannot be responsible for such things as baud rate and software used. It is up to each sysop to inform me of changes whenever possible, and I especially appreciate users of the List letting me know if there's incorrect information on it. * Messages that read to me as if I am expected to continue producing this List, especially to meet the standards of an outside party, will be sent to the bit bucket. I make no money from this, and don't appreciate people who are inclined to make compiling this List hard or abusive. Extreme cases of this will have their listing removed, 'by request.' * Fan mail is always welcomed, and is cherished. * Any system is welcome to use any or all of my Lists on their system, providing NO changes are made to the List. I will always listen to ideas and constructive criticism, and if special lists are needed, I'll work with you to create one that meets your needs, as I have done to make this available in local and national magazines. * The same goes for clubs and businesses. I make this List, and keep it accurate, so I think the least that could be done is to respect my wishes in that it stay unmodified. * Changes can be sent via: - direct login to London BBS, and entry of the Update Survey; - netmail to London BBS (363/69), with the info preferably as it is seen in the 132 column list; - echomail on Odin Sysops, Odin Orlando Users, or a like conference with similar information; - echoed survey on many FidoNet systems in town; - my voice mailbox; but leave a name and number where I can call you back by voice to cover everything. * I hold a visual "look and feel" copyright for my List, but in no way claim I own the information enclosed within it. Each system owns its own data, and nobody else can or should do so. * I prefer the use of real names for sysops; if that is unavoidable, I will place a handle as the sysop name, but enclose it in quotes. * On the side, I will compile a historical BBS listing, based on the information I have collected about local boards since 1983. Filling in the blanks on this is welcomed and encouraged. I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll close this statement with the simple request: Keep your entry accurate, and let me know of changes to currently listed systems, boards that are down, and new systems that pop up. Thank you for allowing me to bring this into your computer for close to the last ten years. Matt Drury 1-31-1990 (last revised 2-2-1992)