Ozcis Scripts for News, Weather, Weather Maps Richard Meyer Compuserve 71151,1323 Enclosed are the following Ozcis Scripts. Store them in your Ozcis directory, and specify them under the proper heading in the Services directory. WEATHER.SCR gets the Short term forecast. It is set for the short term forecast for the SF bay area. To reset it for your locale, use the following menu for type of forecast: 1 (SF) Short Term Forecasts 2 (EF) Extended Forecasts 3 (SW) Severe Weather Alerts 4 (PP) Precipitation Probability 5 (SS) State Summaries 6 (CL) Daily Climatological Reports 7 (SP) Sports and Recreation 8 (MF) Marine Forecasts 9 (AW) Aviation Weather 10 (WM) Weather Maps In some choices (SS, SF etc.) you need to specific the location you are interested in. Change the LSEND "SF San Francisco" to suit your needs. Example: LSEND "SS NY" state summary, New York LSEND "SF Honolulu' short term forecast, Honolulu Ozcis will store the weather report in the OZCIS directory as WEATHER.RPT. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NEWS.SCR Gets the AP Online news for the last 12 hours and saves it as NEWS.RPT in the Ozcis directory. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ENTBUS.SCR Gets entertainment and business news from AP Online. Captures ALL news from these categories. Entertainment news is saved as ENT.RPT and business news is saved as BUS.RPT both in the Ozcis directory. If you want news from other sections, change the LSEND "8" command as follows: 1 Latest News-Updated Hourly 2 Weather 3 Sports 4 National 5 Washington 6 World 7 Political 8 Entertainment 9 Business News 10 Wall Street 11 Dow Jones Average 12 Feature News/Today in History 13 Science/Health Example: LSEND "3" for Sports. The SCROLL ALL command will request all news in all subcategories for sports. If you do change the category, you might want to change the filename it is save to also. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WEAMAP.SCR gets the Accu-Weather Map forecast for tomorrow and stores it as MAP#.GIF in the Ozcis\Gif directory where it can be viewed with the Gif View utility. If you wish to change the map, use the following menu for the LSEND command: 1 U.S. Radar (for 13:56 PST 29-Mar-92) 2 Depiction (for 13:45 PST 29-Mar-92) ACCU-WEATHER MAPS 3 Satellite (for 13:00 PST 29-Mar-92) 4 Current Weather (for 14:00 PST 29-Mar-92) 5 Tomorrow's Weather (for 14:00 PST 30-Mar-92) 6 48-Hour Weather (for 14:00 PST 31-Mar-92) 7 Regional Wake-Up (for 29-Mar-92) 8 Current Temperatures (for 20:00 PST 29-Mar-92) 9 Tonight's Lows (for 30-Mar-92) 10 Tomorrow's Highs (for 30-Mar-92) OTHER WEATHER MAPS 11 RLE U.S. Radar 12 RLE Depiction 13 Change Graphics Type 14 About Weather Maps Example: LSEND "6" for 48 hour weather.