DIGITAL DAGUERREOTYPES is a copyrighted "freeware" utility for the creation and imaging of typographical and geometric artwork images in connection with any PostScript (R) or PostScript language compatible interpreter. Please note that PostScript (R) is a Registered Trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Since Digital Daguerreotypes is freeware, produced and distributed on a non-profit basis, you are also permitted and encouraged to distribute it on a non-profit basis (you may not sell it). Please especially consider donating a copy of Digital Daguerreotypes to your local school, college, or library. One of the major objects of this artwork environment, albeit more a conceptual ambiance than a "programming environment" in the usual sense, is to cultivate a felicitous fascination for the interplay of number and form. The art of Analytical Design may have a unique potential to achieve this end. Hence any assistance on the part of users in making Digital Daguerreotypes available to educational institutions of all sorts would be warmly appreciated. INTENDED USES Digital Daguerreotypes is intended for use as an Analytical Design system in the creation and imaging of PostScript language artwork, typically artwork using typographical and/or geometric elements and effects. It is assumed that Digital Daguerreotypes artwork will be created directly by a person using a text or program editor to produce an ASCII PostScript language file which may invoke names and procedures defined in the Digital Daguerreotypes prologue file (DIGIDA.PS or DIGIDA.INI). You are free to create and image such files in any environment and with any PostScript language implementation which provides the technical facilities to do so, and to use these files in composite documents under the Encapsulated PostScript Format (commonly known as EPSF or EPS). You are also free to combine a Digital Daguerreotypes artwork file with the entire prologue, or with any appropriate portions thereof, in order to create a "self-sufficient" PostScript file for direct imaging and/or use in composite documents under the Encapsulated PostScript Format. Please note that while Digital Daguerreotypes is intended especially to be used for educational, charitable, and other non-profit purposes, its use is not limited to such purposes; you may also use it for business and commercial purposes. -1- USE OF INCLUDED ARTWORK IMAGES You are free to use any of the artwork images included with Digital Daguerreotypes for educational, charitable, and other non-profit purposes; and also for business and commercial purposes -- with the possible exception of the images GOULDCIR.EPD and TUCKETT1.EPD. Please note that GOULDCIR.EPD is an emulation or "clone" of a design by Tom Gould published in Michael Gosney, John Odam, and Jim Schmal, THE GRAY BOOK: DESIGNING IN BLACK & WHITE ON YOUR COMPUTER, Ventana Press, 1990, at p. 158. Similarly, TUCKETT1.EPD attempts to approximate a design by Simon Tuckett, "A Spread from Graphic Perspective," in REAL WORLD POSTSCRIPT ("The Orange Book"), Addison-Wesley, 1988, p. 229, at pp. 256-258 (see Figure 13.3, p. 256). These two images are included in Digital Daguerreotypes for the specific purpose of demonstrating the technique of "analytical digitizing" -- that is, of a user studying a known example of artwork and attempting to emulate its design using mathematical parameters. Thus any person using these derivative examples should give proper credit to the original artists and publications (see also CREDITS.TXT), and especially in the case of contemplated business or commercial use should request permissions from these artists and/or publishers. USE IN COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT -- ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC. As explained in CREDITS.TXT, and also in the "SPECIAL CREDITS" notice included as a comment near the beginning of the Digital Daguerreotypes prologue (DIGIDA.PS or DIGIDA.INI), Digital Daguerreotypes incorporates, with modifications, the outsidecircletext and insidecircletext routines from Adobe Systems, Inc., POSTSCRIPT LANGUAGE TUTORIAL AND COOKBOOK ("The Blue Book"), Addison-Wesley, 1985, pp. 166-169; and the pathtext routine, ibid., pp. 170-173. Should you wish to use these particular routines in the development of printer drivers or for other commercial software development purposes -- that is, typically for the development of commercial applications which produce machine-generated PostScript script files, as opposed to the use of Digital Daguerreotypes with artwork files or other PostScript files written by human users ("hand-coded") as described above under "INTENDED USES" -- you should request permission from Adobe Systems, Inc. Otherwise, you are free to use Digital Daguerreotypes routines in commercial software development; we would request that you include credits for any substantial code segments used, and would invite any information on your efforts. -2- REQUESTED CONDITIONS OF USE Digital Daguerreotypes is a freeware, not-for-profit, PostScript language artwork utility designed for use both in the exploration of relationships mathematical, typographical, and geometrical, and in the communication of ideas. Since such a communication of ideas is inherently free and unfettered, it would be futile as well as tyrannical to attempt any restriction upon the range of ideas, opinions, and emotions which a user might express through the agency of an Analytical Design apparatus, including Digital Daguerreotypes. However, the author would gently encourage her audience to avoid the use of Digital Daguerreotypes for the following purposes: (1) You are requested not to use Digital Daguerreotypes in the design, testing, production, or deployment of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction, or more generally of lethal weapons. (Thanks to Apple Computer, Inc., for providing the inspiration for this request, and to James Austin for informing me of Apple's language in its licensing agreement.) (2) You are requested not to use Digital Daguerreotypes in the course of legal or extralegal activities to prosecute or execute practices falling under the condemnation of Amnesty International: specifically, this condemnation includes unconditionally the death penalty or torture in any form, and also includes the taking and holding of "prisoners of conscience. These are people detained for their beliefs, colour, sex, ethnic origin, language or religion who have not used or advocated violence." Note that Amnesty International has interpreted the "prisoners of conscience" concept to include persons detained on account of sexual or affectional preference. Please note that these suggested conditions of use are intended in no way to discourage DISCUSSION or ADVOCACY on such matters as nuclear disarmament, the history of firearms, the ethics of capital punishment, and so forth. Rather the author simply urges you with due humility to consider the power of the visual image or page and the sacredness of life. -3- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Digital Daguerreotypes is Copyright (C) 1992 by Margo Schulter, Sacramento, California, U.S.A. Please see CREDITS.TXT, and also the "SPECIAL CREDITS" notice appearing as a comment near the beginning of the Digital Daguerreotypes prologue (DIGIDA.PS or DIGIDA.INI), for citations of copyrighted material from Adobe Systems, Inc., included in the prologue, as well as other direct and indirect sources for Digital Daguerreotypes. Please note that the purpose of this copyright notice is not in any way to discourage the free use, sharing, and not-for-profit distribution of Digital Daguerreotypes as a "freeware" utility, but simply to insure its availability on a freeware basis while excluding its sale. INQUIRIES AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT Any inquiries about this "freeware" licensing agreement, or about Digital Daguerreotypes generally, may be directed to: The PC Scriptorium c/o Ms. Margo Schulter 5901 Newman Ct. #6 Sacramento, CA 95819-2626 U.S.A. (916) 457-8935 Please note that while this telephone number is not toll-free, technical support itself is free. -4-