ENV2WPM.EXE 1.0 DOS Environment to WordPerfect 5.1 Macro Copyright (c) 1992 by Stan Mulder All rights reserved June 2, 1992 Purpose This program will create a WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS macro on the fly containing the current DOS environment variables. Running the macro in WordPerfect will put the environment variables into memory so that other WordPerfect macros can use them directly. The program can be run from within WordPerfect with the DOS Command option. For example: Ctrl-F1, C, ENV2WPM /F dosenv.wpm will create the macro DOSENV.WPM. You can then run the macro by pressing Alt-F10, dosenv, Enter. Revision 1.0 6/2/92 Initial release Options ENV2WPM.EXE /f filename.wpm [/p prefix] /f filename - The name of the macro to create. /p prefix - Optional character(s) to precede the macro variable name. For example /p! would create {ASSIGN}!PATH~C:\DOS;C:\UTILS~ instead of {ASSIGN}PATH~C:\DOS;C:\UTILS~. The prefix can be used to help avoid overwriting any other macro variables you may have assigned with similar names. Without the /p option the macro variable names will be the same as the DOS environment variables. Notes ENV2WPM.EXE was written in QuickBasic 4.5. The file is a little too large in my opinion, but I'll work on getting it down to a reasonable size in the future. Any enhancement requests are welcome. You can send any comments to me on CompuServe. My ID is 73447,561.