INIMAINT CHANGE HISTORY ******************************* V1.0a ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0a are: 1. There was a potential problem in 1.0 if a new file was selected before the data for a key was written to the file. This turned out to not be a problem. 2. If INIMAINT was closed in a minimized condition, the correct window size and location were not stored. This has been fixed. 3. The SIZE calculation for All Groups was incorrect if a single Application was included in more than one Group. This has been fixed. 4. If the Help Instance could not be created because the INIHELP.HLP file was not found, the user only got a 5101 logic error. The Dump Dialog has been changed to add a line that gives the reason for any outstanding logic error. 5. The PM Error Text was not displayed when there was a PM Error. OS/2 1.3 with CSD WR5050 has a bug in this area and will not display the correct text. The text will now be displayed. 6. When an error was encountered during Help Instance Initialization, the help error code was not stored in the Help Error area. This has now been fixed. 7. INIMAINT would not run at all if there was a problem initializing the Help. It will now run, but no Help will be available. ******************************* V1.0b ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0b are: 1. More of the Help has been done, the missing Help is now that for the Dialog Boxes. 2. When run under OS/2 2.0 a Message Queue Full error was being encountered. This was fixed by increasing the Message Queue from the default 10 to 30. ******************************* V1.0c ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0c are: 1. A Dump message logging facility was added so that problems with message sequences could be logged and identified. 2. Because of a problem in OS/2 2.0 the return from setting the top index in a listbox is incorrect. The check for a valid return from this API call has been removed so that INIMAINT will run under OS/2 2.0. ******************************* V1.0d ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0d are: 1. When INIMAINT first comes up, the LOGO box does not have the Focus and the Enter Key will not close it, it can only be closed using the Mouse. The Focus is not forced to the LOGO Dialog during initial window processing. 2. The Dump Dialog will not fit on a 640x480 VGA Screen. To fix this the Dump dialog was made 20 pels shorter. 3. The filling of the Listboxes, the MLE and the Size calculation all have the capability to run for some time, especially under OS/2 2.0, and they block any processing of messages during this period. These functions have been moved to a separate thread. 4. Choosing Menu Items such as Size, Copy and Move cause a Dialog box to appear with the selections. The Selections are now a menu, not a dialog. 5. If there is a lot of data to be inserted into the MLE, the MLE blinks a lot. The window is now be disabled during the data insertion. 6. If Size is selected and then Cancelled, a Size of 20 bytes was displayed. This has been fixed. 7. The buttons in the New File Dialog were in uppercase, but now are lower case. 8. If a New File is selected on a diskette drive that has no diskette, a terminal error resulted. Now a Message Box will be presented and the old drive will remain the current drive. 9. Selecting an empty VDISK drive got a terminal error. This has been fixed. 10. You could not Cancel a Copy without selecting a target file. This has been fixed. 11. When the contents of the Dump Dialog were written to a file, the values of the various error indicators, which are displayed at the top of the Dialog, were not written. This has been fixed. 12. If a non-INI file is selected and it causes INIMAINT to terminate, then the program would not restart, because it attempted to use the same file and continued to get the same error. The user is now informed the file is invalid and given a chance to select a new file to edit. 13. When opening a new INI file to edit, the check for a valid INI file was not sufficient to identify the bad file during the file selection process. This has not been fixed and any file that gets through the file selection will be a valid INI file. 14. If a Drive was selected and the root directory was empty, INIMAINT would terminate attempting to fill the file Listbox. This has now been fixed. 15. When editing the any line of a multiline entry in the Key Value MLE while in overtype mode, as opposed to insert mode, the following line had the initial characters deleted. This has been fixed. 16. When the Focus was removed from the INIMAINT window, the Titlebars of both Listboxes stayed in a highlighted condition. This has been fixed and the colors of the Titlebars will now behave correctly. 17. Since no user input is accepted while the Listboxes are being filled, the MLE is being reset, a Size is being calculated or a Move or Copy are in progress, the Pointer should be changed to an hourglass pointer, this was not working, but has been fixed. 18. The Help has been finished. 19. There was a problem with seeing the pointer in the MLE under OS/2 2.0, so a call to WinSetOwner setting the Main Client window as the Owner of the MLE was added to fix the problem. ******************************* V1.0e ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0e are: 1. Copy an Entire File got a return of 10 from the Copy program. This has been fixed. 2. The MOVE/COPY in Progress Dialog did not display the word Move/Copy. This has been fixed. 3. The MOVE/COPY did not verify that the target file was a valid INI file. This will now be done and an Error Message box will be displayed if the COPY/MOVE cannot be done. 4. The smallest item that could be MOVEed or COPYed was an Application. It is now possible to COPY/MOVE an individual key. 5. Considerably more Help has been added. 6. Accelerator Keys have been implemented and added to the Help. 7. If a New File was selected and either the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files were specified without the initial path information, INIMAINT did not recognize them as the User and System INI files and attempted to open them in an incorrect manner. This has been fixed. 8. If a COPY/MOVE was attempted and either the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files were specified as the target without the initial path information, INIMAINT did not recognize them as the User and System INI files and attempted to open them in an incorrect manner. This has been fixed. 9. If an INI file was selected that had no Applications in it, the INIMAINT window would not appear. This has been fixed. 10. It was not possible to cancel the Add Application or Add Key without getting the Message Box saying that something had to be entered. The Cancel will now work correctly. 11. The Listboxes and MLE would flash excessively. This will no longer occur. 12. When in the Dump Dialog, it was not possible to change the name of the Dump File by simply typing in the Filename Entry Field. This will now work and the new filename will become the Dump File for future Dumps. 13. When the Help was open, the Title Bars of the smaller INIMAINT windows appeared to still have the focus because they were highlighted. This will no longer occur. 14. When in the Replace Key Dialog and the key value was longer than what could be displayed in the Listbox, any change to the value would cause the contents of the ASCII and Hex Entry Fields would shift to the very end of the value data. This has been fixed. 15. INIMAINT was not using the Logo Display Time that is set by the user in the Control Panel, but was using an internal 10 second display time. This has been changed so that the Control Panel value will now be used. Even with a value specified in the Control Panel, it is still possible to turn off the Initial Logo Display with the Options Dialog. ******************************* V1.0f ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0f are: 1. The Menus did not show the Accelerator Keys, this information has been added to the appropriate menu items. 2. Because of a bug in handling Timers, INIMAINT would get an error when run under OS/2 2.0 and the About Dialog was dismissed. This has been fixed by changing the Parent of the About box when it is invoked from the Menu. 3. The Help indicated that there was an Accelerator key that would directly pull down the COPY or MOVE menus. This was an error and has been removed from the Help file. 4. When a COPY/MOVE was attempted for the Selected Application or Selected Key and either of the Selected Names had an embedded blank, then the COPY?MOVE would terminate with an Error=5 from the INICOPY program. This has been fixed. 5. The Error Message Box displayed when an invalid INI file was selected did not include the error message, this has been fixed. 6. When an invalid INI file was selected, INIMAINT would not close the file, therefore, no other process could use the file. This has been fixed. ******************************* V1.0g ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.0g are: 1. The Dump to a file could get a Trap D and could dump some garbage messages because it was going past the end of the Message table. This has been fixed. 2. A message sequence number has been added to the dump of messages. 3. When doing a MOVE/COPY the Wait Pointer was not set correctly when the pointer was over the Listboxes or MLE. This has been fixed. 4. If a Group was deleted, a hole was left in the menu items that include the Groups. This has been fixed. 5. When things were MOVEd from an INI file to another file, the Listboxes were not updated to reflect the fact that the MOVEd items were no longer in the Source INI file. This has been fixed and the Listboxes will be automatically updated after the MOVE. 6. The supplemental error text was not always complete if an error occurred during a MOVE/COPY operation. This has been fixed. 7. V1.0f displayed a Version number of 1.0e. V1.0g will show the correct version. 8. When the last Key for an Application was moved to another INI file, the Application entry was not deleted and an Application with no Keys was left in the file. INIMAINT will now check to see if a MOVE Key is being done for the last Key and promote it to a MOVE Application, so that the Application entry will be removed from the Source INI file. 9. The Groups Dialog did not redisplay the Group that was being displayed when the last Group Update was done. This has been fixed. ******************************* V1.1 ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.1 are: 1. The System Default Accelerator keys did not work because the System Commands were not getting to the Main Window Frame. This has been fixed. 2. The Registration code was added. 3. When an input string was requested, the user was asked to 'Select' something. This has been changed to ask the user to 'Enter' the information. ******************************* V1.1a ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.1a are: 1. The supplemental error text was not correctly filled in when there was an error during a COPY/MOVE. This has been fixed. 2. It was possible to get a Trap D when selecting a New INI File because dynamic memory was released prematurely. This has been fixed. ******************************* V1.1b ******************************* The items fixed in Version 1.1b are: 1. It was possible to get a Trap D while the MLE was formatting a long entry if an attempt was made to make a selection in one of the Listboxes or an attempt was made to change the MLE. Now any such attempt will cause an error tone and the action will be rejected until all updaing has been done. 2. There were some relatively rare situations where dynamic memory blocks were not being freed, theu that amount of memory used would slowly grow. This has been fixed. 3. In order to better track potential memory problems, a dump of the contents of the heap has been added to the Dump window and and more complete listing will be written to the Dump File. 4. Under certain circumstances, INIMAINT would put Keys in the OS2.INI file for the INI File Maintenance Application that had NULL Values. This will no longer occur, although it did not cause any problem other than put unneeded items in the INI file. 5. There are certain Applications and/or Keys that cannot be deleted from the OS2SYS.INI file. When an attempt was made to Delete or MOVE one of these entries, INIMAINT would terminate. Additional code has been inserted that will identify these conditions, inform the user and then continue. 6. Under OS/2 2.0 INIMAINT would terminate with an error 109 after the About INIMAINT Dialog box was displayed. This was caused by static variables that were not correctly initialized after the first use of the dialog. This has been fixed. 7. The Spooler, and perhaps other sections of OS/2 protect certain areas of the INI files, especially the System INI file, thus making it impossible to remove certain Keys from the files, even though the Keys are associated with things that are no longer on the Desktop. In order to facilitate these efforts, a new capability has been added to INIMAINT that allows the user to change the User and/or System INI files to a different file. The user can then edit the original file as he wishes and then switch back. This must be done with much care in order to avoid causing a system problem, but the capability can be extremely important when attempting to recover from conditions where the operating system has created conflicting or other conditions that can be corrected no other way.