TILOS2 is a collection of small bitmaps designed for display in "tiled" mode on the OS/2 2.0 desktop. It offers quite a variety of styles: various brick patterns, rooftop tiles, Delft-inspired floral patterns, mazes, and a few other odds and ends. Download TILOS2 ZIPBIN to TILOS2.ZIP in binary form, then use PKUNZIP2 to explode the .ZIP file into the individual .BMP files. You will need to put them in the \OS2\BITMAP directory. To display one of the designs, click mouse button 2 on the desktop and select Open Settings on the menu. Select the Background tab. Pick a file from the list, and choose the Tiled option. Voila! I plan to keep adding to the TILOS2 package. If you have ideas for other tiles, or any kind of comments, I would be pleased to hear from you. Steve Jent History 07/02/92 First release, 22 tiles