Workplace Shell Icon Package Dress up that Workplace with these icons that are designed to be colorful but not garish. Want to give your system that Mac look? Here are the icons to do it. Want to spruce up those boring group icons? You have multiple choices for alternatives here. WPSICONS includes new folder icons, new palette icons, icons for Undelete, icons for specific apps and file types. Go to the folder or object of your choice, open settings, go to General, push Find..., Locate..., Path tab, type C:\Icons, OK, Find and VOILA! there are your icons to select from. (Wish that were simpler, don't you?) These icons have all come from my hand but many are admittedly based on the work of others - all are original derivatives. (Kinda like "fresh frozen", right?) Hope you enjoy! Jeff Howard Frustrated Icon Designer TEAMOS2 South Carolina Trading Area