Some frequently asked questions: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Q: I think you forgot to include the sources of some programs? A: No, I just couldn't include some units where I'm unsure about the legal issues: they were once published in a magazine and I changed them a bit to fit my needs. I didn't want to get into _any_ troubles, so I decided not to publish them. Q: I don't see (a documentation for|the sources of) TRANSLAT.EXE, either! A: I just included it for the single purpose to translate ANIVGA.PAS; if you think of using it for your own sources, drop me a note) Q: GRAB won't popup! A: As GRAB does disk writes, it can't popup while MSDos is in a critical section (unfortunately, MSDos isn't reentrant, as we all do know). Sometimes, GRAB doesn't even pop up, if it could. That's because of the TSR-unit I use (I think it is because the unit doesn't supply an appropriate INT28h-handler). Sorry, but I didn't found a better TSR-unit til now. If you have a more radical image grabber, then use that, save the picture to disk, use an image viewer program to display it and grab then! Q: GRAB shows a messed up capture box|screen! A: The application played some tricks to the VGA-card; reboot and start GRAB again, this time supplying "/BIOS" as parameter -- and hope the best! Q: I can't run MAKES; my machine displays nothing|a mess when I start it! A: MAKES uses a 640x400x256 video mode only available at SuperVGA cards. Although the BGI-driver tries to identify the chip-set of your VGA card, it may fail on some, even if your card would supply this mode! If it doesn't work even if you do have a SuperVGA card, then please drop me a note, specifying which brand of VGA-card you use (especially which chip-set)! If you do know of a way how to trick a *standard* VGA card into this resolution, then write me and the next version will run on all cards --promised! 'Til then, you'll have the (ugly) MAKES of V1.0, sorry! Q: MAKES sometimes hangs when I start it or repeats an error, when I quit! A: These are spurious errors I encountered, too. It hangs when trying to initialize the mouse driver - I suppose this is a problem of the mouse driver! I couldn't track down the other error, sorry. If you find a way to reproduce the error, then let me know! Q: How may I speedup things? A: Naturally, STATIC background is faster than SCROLLING backgrounds, but you can speed up SCROLLING backgrounds, too: make sure that StartVirtualX always is a multiple of 4 (that is, StartVirtualX MOD 4 = 0), because then, ANIVGA can (and will) use the VGA's write mode 1 which is a lot faster than normal write mode 0. Another idea is to shrink NMAX: if you don't need more than 100 sprites (say), then change that constant and recompile ANIVGA! Q: I'm using scrolling backgrounds and would like to display some items|text at the same (absolute) screen position. A: Transform your coordinates, using StartVirtualX and StartVirtualY! See EXAMPLE6.PAS for a small example!