//$nokeywords$ *- BookMan -* *----------------------------------------------* The Programmer's Library Reference Guide Manager *----------------------------------------------* Produce your library reference manuals and help guides with BookMan! ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ *- MAIN MENU -* ³ o Structured data entry template ±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij o Prints Complete LIB Ref Guide ±³1> Update Library File ³ o Generates NG/EH Help Guides Source ±³2> Print Library Summary ³ o Configurable Type definitions ±³3> Print Categorized Summary ³ o Configurable Category definitions ±³4> Print Summary in Lib Order ³ o 'Hot-Key-View' source code files. ±³5> Print Syntax Summary ³ o Free-form description note pad. ±³6> Print Library Profile Sheets³ o Load text files into description ±³7> Build NG/EH Source Files ³ o Links to your editor ±³8> Custom Report Writer ³ o Quick access to edit source code ±³9> System Maintenance ³ o Multi-user network compatible. ±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij o Configurable printer code system. ±³ Press to Return ³ o Quick reports. ±ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; o Custom report writer. ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± o Pop-up context sensitive help. o Optional user password front-end ____________ INTRODUCTION Process CAD Applications,developers of plant-wide information systems for the petro-chemical industry, is now offering 'BookMan' - Our Programmer's Library Reference Guide Manager. BookMan provides a structured data entry template for developing and maintaining your library reference manuals and NG/EH help guides. BookMan is ideally suited for documenting and maintaining xBASE, C, Pascal, LISP, and most other vertical programming libraries. BookMan is a perfect comp- anion product for 'Norton Guides' or 'Expert Help'. BookMan allowed us to quickly develop, publish, and distribute our library reference manuals and NG/EH help guides to our programmer's, clients, and contractors. BookMan produces a well structured, professional quality reference manual. As an added bonus, BookMan automatically creates Norton Guides or Expert Help compatible source, make, and link files. Features include: o Structured data entry template for documenting each functions. o Prints Complete Library Reference Guide o Generates NG/EH Help Guides Make, Link, and Source files o Configurable Type definitions.(Functions,Procedures,UDF's, etc.) o Configurable Category definitions.(Programming, Support, etc.) o 'Hot-Key - View' source code files while documenting functions. o Free-form environment for descriptions. o Load text files or source code files into description fields. o Links to your editor for quick access to source code files. o Quick access to edit source from within data entry template. o Multi-user network compatible. o Configurable printer code system. o Quick reports. o Custom report writer. o Optional user password front-end o Pop-up context sensitive help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard Reports Include: o Syntax summary, with return values. o Library Summary, organized by alpha order. o Function profile sheet(s), describing details for each function. o Library summary, grouped by function type. o LIB order summary, lists functions in order by library file. o Custom Report Writer for generating your library listings. BookMan provide an ideal environment for maintaining reference guides for your ever-changing programming libraries. BookMan is a multi-user application and is especially useful in the distributed programming environment. Installed on a network, BookMan provides to our programmer's with a convenient way to add and update our reference guides on a daily or weekly basis. As a result, we are able to perio- dically publish and distribute an updated reference manual and help guides to our programmer's and clients. (Example Function Profile Data Screen) ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ *- PROFILE SCREEN -* ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ Name: SRCHBOX() Source file: P_LSTBX1.PRG ³ ³Category: PROGRAMMING Type: FUNCTION Library: PCANETA.LIB ³ ³ Purpose: Calls formated DBEDIT() window with fuzzy search features ³ ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ SYNTAX ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ SRCHBOX(,,,,,,,, ³ ³ [,[,[]]]) ³ ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ PARAMETERS ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³1> top row 7> field array 13> ³ ³2> left column 8> field header array 14> ³ ³3> bottom row 9> field header array 15> ³ ³4> right column 10> color string 16> ³ ³5> header string 11> border number 17> ³ ³6> footer string 12> 18> ³ ³ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ EXAMPLE ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³À SRCHBOX(5,10,22,70,'RECORDS',' to Exit',_fields,_titles) ÄÄÄÙ³ ³ Returns: NIL Include: mouse.ch ³ ³ Comment: Same As Listbox() But With Fuzzy Search Features. ³ ³See Also: LISTBOX() ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Press to Return ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; __________ ADVANTAGES Security is a major concern. In the software business, your business edge is in your creative abilities. But your product's market identity is in your proprietary library. This was our reason for creating BookMan. For our clients, temporary, and contract programmer's, we distribute a set of object and LIB files along with a reference manual and help guides. No source code is distributed. __________________ SOURCE CODE ACCESS As we began documenting our libraries, we found many inconsistancies in our code. One of the keen features added to BookMan is the ability to 'Hot-key - View' a source code file while entering data or descriptions. This is a real time saver, which offsets the need for referring to a printout. One the benefits of documenting libraries in such detail is the ability to refine it's source code structure. As you enter functions, you will see areas in your code, particulary parameters, which could require refinement. For this reason, edit access to your source code is provided as well, via your pre- configured editor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________ HELP GUIDE GENERATOR One of BookMan most useful features is its ability to extract data from your function entries and create a complex, fully crossed- referenced NG/EH help guide. This feature is designed to compliment the use of either the 'Norton Guides' or 'Expert Help' compiler and linker. You must purchase these tool separately from thier respective resellers. BookMan creates source level NG/EH help files that can be written to any path and provides compile and link ready code. Help guides are structured in exactly the same way Bookman publishes the library reference manuals. Starting with a complete syntax summary, and branching to function category and type listings. Typical help guide structure: +--- Type | !menu: Functions Array --+ Programming | Network +--- Categories Support | Report --+ A similar menu is created for each defined type. Types and Categories can be defined per your specifications. ___________________ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Hardware and Software o IBM PC XT/AT/386/486 or 100% compatible o 640kb RAM (400 kb Free) o 1 meg (min) Hard Drive space o Color CGA/EGA/VGA Monitor o 80/132 Column Printer (dot or laser) o DOS 3.2 or higher __________________ FILES DESCRIPTIONS BM BAT -Startup batch file BOOKMAN EXE -BookMan application BOOKMAN DBF -BookMan library database BOOKMAN DBT -BookMan description database BOOKMAN PPP -Release control code file CATEGORY DBF -Category database TYPE DBF -Type database CREPORT DBF -Custom report job database HELP DBF -Help database HELP DBT -Help memo file PRINTER DBF -Printer control code database SEMAPHOR DAT -Semaphore lock file USER0001 DAT -User control file ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ INSTALLATION If you are re-installing or upgrading BookMan, make sure all existing files are backed-up before installing this version. It is recommended to copy all existing files in current 'BOOKMAN' directory to a new subdirectory called '\BOOKMAN\LASTVER' before proceeding with instal- lation. DOS File Handles: An adjustment to your CONFIG.SYS file may be required to handle the number of required open files. If a CONFIG.SYS file exists,increase the number of file handles to 55.This is accomplished by typing: FILES=55. If a CONFIG.SYS file does not exist, a sample file is included. Consult your DOS manual for more information on the CONFIG.SYS file. Installing BookMan: An installation program is provided to assist you in a {smooth} installation and startup. Insert the BookMan disk into your floppy drive and type the following: type-> A: (or appropriate drive) For DOS Installation: example-> INSTALL A: C: definition-> (INSTALL ) For Network Installation: Type the drive and path for target as follows: example-> INSTALL A: G:\PUBLIC (no end slash) definition-> (INSTALL ) The install routine will create the following string: *- INSTALL A: G:\PUBLIC\BOOKMAN -* <<< See NETWORK.TXT file for more details. >>> *- IMPORTANT NOTE -* Be sure to adjust your CONFIG.SYS file for FILES=55 before starting the program. If you do not have a CONFIG.SYS file, an example file is provided on the install disk. Copy this file to your boot drive- /directory and re-boot your system. Consult your DOS manual for the latest on the CONFIG.SYS file. ________________ STARTING BookMan Once installed BookMan is started by typing the following: CD\BOOKMAN BOOKMAN (or BM via batch file) The first screen displayed will be a SETUP/DEFAULTS screen. Please enter your company name and other prompted information. To select a default printer, blank-out the printer number prompt with the spacebar(a list of printers will appear). Cursor through the entire screen to complete the setup. Once completed, new index file will be created. Please Ignore the 'Capture default project number' prompt. 'Save Changes' when finished. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Start Check List: [ ] Enter initial setup information [ ] Configure editor and help file screen [ ] Define categories (programming,network,support,file i/o, etc.) [ ] Define type (functions, procedures, code blocks, udf, etc.) [ ] Select printer file from 'Printer File System' Setup Procedures: When the 'Main Menu' appears, select '9> System Maintenance' and go through the quick start check list below. Once Configured, you may begin adding functions be selecting '1> Update Library File' from the 'Main Menu'. ('Configure Editor/Help File' data screen) ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ *- CONFIGURE SYSTEM -* ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ Library Name: [PCA] Clipper Tools ³ ³ Version: 4.6N File: PCALIB (no extension) ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *- EDITOR LINK -* ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Editor Name: BRIEF 3.1 ³ ³ Editor Path: C:\BRIEF ³ ³ Startup Cmd: B.EXE ³ ³ Source Path: C:\CLIP87\NET87 ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *- HELP GUIDE SOURCE -* ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Source File Name: PCALIB Path: C:\EH ³ ³ Credits 1>(C) Copyright 1992, Process CAD Applications ³ ³ 2>*-ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -* ³ ³ 3> ³ ³ 4>Technical Supoort - (713)480-6841 ³ ³ 5> ³ ³ Help Guides > [EH] NG-Norton Guides -or- EH-Expert Help ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Press to Return ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; ___________________ UPDATE LIBRARY FILE Profile Screen: From the 'Main Menu', select '1> Update Library File'. A 'PROFILE SCREEN' will appear. At the 'Name:' prompt, enter a function or procedure name to add or edit. ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ *- PROFILE SCREEN -* ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ Name: .......... Source file: ............ ³ ³ Category: .......... Type: ........... Library: ............ ³ ³ Purpose: ....................................................... ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ SYNTAX ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ ................................................................. ³ ³ ................................................................. ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ PARAMETERS ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ 1> .................. 7> .................... 13> ................³ ³ 2> .................. 8> .................... 14> ................³ ³ 3> .................. 9> .................... 15> ................³ ³ 4> .................. 10> .................... 16> ................³ ³ 5> .................. 11> .................... 17> ................³ ³ 6> .................. 12> .................... 18> ................³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ EXAMPLE ]ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿³ ³ À ............................................................... Ù³ ³ Returns: .......... Include: .................................. ³ ³ Comment: ....................................................... ³ ³ See Also: ....................................................... ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Press to Return ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; (Function Profile Data Screen) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If entering an existing name, the program will query and display it's existing data. I you leave the 'Name:' prompt blank and press for a listing of existing functions (provided for your selection). If you call an existing function, a 'view mode' menu will appear at line 24 with the following prompts: NEXT/PREV/REPORT/DEL/EDIT NEXT -view next record PREV -view previous record REPORT -print profile sheet(current record) DEL -delete current record EDIT -edit current record When you select 'EDIT', a new menu will appear with the following options: DATA/DESCRIPTION/SOURCE DATA -edit currently displayed data DESCRIPTION -edit description (popup memo field) SOURCE -launch to source code file via editor Editing 'DATA' Select 'DATA' from the 'EDIT >DATA/DESCRIPTION/SOURCE' menu. The cursor will jump to the first field- 'Name:'. Press to move to the next field(s). If configure properly, the following key fields provide a selection list if left blank: Key Fields Purpose --------- --------------------------------- Source file: List all file in source directory Category: List all pre-defined categories Type: List all pre-defined types See Also: List related functions, used for cross referencing NG/EH Guides, use or ',' to delimit functions. Keystrokes: ---------- -Accept input, move to next field -Cancel edit or -Help -View source code file Viewing Source files: Once the 'Source file name:' is entered, you may press to view the file at any point while entring data or decriptions. This is a real time saver, which offsets the need for referring to a printout. Editing 'DESCRIPTIONS' The description field is a memo field providing a free form data entry environment. This field is especially useful with long descriptions. When documenting our libraries, in many cases we found it useful to copy an existing text or source code file into the description field, saving time and effort. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Example Description note pad) ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ *- SRCHBOX() DESCRIPTION -* ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ ³ ³Calls formated DBEDIT() window with fuzzy search features. ³ ³ ³ ³Defaults: ³ ³ = .T. ³ ³ = _lboxclr ³ ³ = ' ' ³ ³ ³ ³Example: ³ ³ ³ ³ PRIVATE _hdr,_ftr ³ ³ DECLARE _fields[3],_titles[3] ³ ³ _hdr = 'SALES CONTACT LISTINGS' ³ ³ .... ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ F2>End/Save ³ F3>Abort ³ F5> Read File ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; Keystrokes: ---------- or -Help -End and Save buffer -End without saving -Read in ASCII file -View source code file -Move cursor up -Move cursor down -Move up one screen page -Move down one screen page -Beginning of line -End of line -Delete line -Delete text right of cursor position -Toggle insert/overwrite mode Editing 'SOURCE' Once we started documenting our libraries we found many inconsist- ancies from in our code. One the benefits of documenting libraries in such detail is the ability to refine it's source code structure. For this reason, we provide access to source code files via your pre-configured editor. This link is made in two locations: 1) From the 'System Maintenance' menu,configure your editor under '4> Configure Editor/Help File'. Be sure to enter the current 'Source Path' with no end '\'. 2) From the functions 'Profile Screen', enter the exact file name under 'Source file:' fields or leave blank for a directory list. Adding Functions: Enter a new function name at the 'Name:' prompt (Profile Screen). If not found, answer 'Y'es to 'ADD New Item' prompt. You may duplicate data and description fields from an existing function or begin with an empty palate. Add mode uses the same data entry steps as the edit mode. Once the initial front-end data is entered, you may then enter the descriptions or launch to it's source file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ HELP GUIDES One of BookMan most useful features is it ability to extract data from your function entries and create a complex, fully crossed- referenced NG/EH help guide. This feature is designed for to compliment the use of either the 'Norton Guides' or 'Expert Help' compiler and linker. You must purchase these tool separately from thier respective resellers. BookMan creates source level NG/EH help files that can be written to any path and provides compile and link ready code. Configuring: o From the 'Main Menu' select '9> System Maintenance' o Select '4> Configure Editor/Help File' Under '*-HELP GUIDE SOURCE -*' section enter the following at each prompt: Prompt Suggestion ------ ---------- Source file name: -NG/EH file name (8 digit,no extension) Path: -Path to write help guide source. Credits: -credit shown in NG/EH file (65 chrs each field) Help Guides [ ] - NG for Norton Guides -or- EH for Expert Help NG/EH Source Files: Once your functions are entered into BookMan, a 'Norton Guides' or 'Expert Help' source, make, and link file can be generated auto- matically. See '7> Build NG/EH Source Files' on the 'Main Menu'. The entire process is done in one step automatically. Help Guide Structure: Help guide source files are created using a the same structure defined in the BookMan database. Starting with a complete syntax summary, and branching to function category and type listings. NG/EH menus are created using 'type' database for root level selections and 'category' database for submenu selections. Please note the following limitations. Limitations: These limitations are specific to creating help guides only and do not affect the report publishing aspect of Bookman. *Types - Root level menus: Although, you may enter more than 10 function 'Types' in BookMan, you are limited to the first 10 listing when creating help guides. Categories - Submenu level selections: Although, you may enter more than 8 function 'Categories' in BookMan, you are limited to the first 8 listing when creating help guides. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ *- MAIN MENU -* ³ ±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij ±³1>ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ±³2>³ *- SYSTEM MAINTENANCE -* ³ ±³3>³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij ±³4>³1> Re-Index Databases ³ o Re-Generate Indexes ±³5>³2> Pack Databases ³ o Remove Delete Records ±³6>³3> Initialize Databases ³ o Empty/Zap Databases ±³7>³4> Configure Editor/Help File ³ o Configure Editor/Help File ±³8>³5> Maintain Printer File ³ o Maintain Printer File ±³9>³6> Maintain Category File ³ o Maintain Category File ±³Äij7> Maintain Type File ³ o Maintain Type File ±³ ³8> System Default Setting ³ o System Steup Screen ±ÔÍͳ9> System Profile ³ o System License Screen ±±±±³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄij ±³ Press to Return ³ ±ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± __________________________ DEMONSTRATION RESTRICTIONS The BookMan Demo is a full featured, but 30 day limited version of of the BookMan release with some exception, It will only allow a maximum of 25 records and some menu selections are not available. This demo can be extended, by access code, if you call before to 30 day limit. If you order BookMan, t his demo can be released with an access code via phone order. A manual and registration certificate will be shipped immediately. BookMan is not a public domain program. If you find BookMan of value, you are encouraged to register BookMan for $179 and become a licensed user. When you register, a manual along with notification of future versions will be shipped immediately. A license is required for use of BookMan by corporations and institutions. Technical support is available to registered BookMan only. You may obtain a license for the use of BookMan by written order, phone, or fax. The license is for perpetual,non-exclusive use of the current version. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, and help make this application a better product. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent any commitment on the part of Process CAD Applications. No warranties of any kind are associated with this product. _______________________ [PCA] Telephone Numbers: Sales & Support (713)480-4641 FAX (713)480-9643 *--------------------------------------------------------------------* [ Copyright (C) 1992, Process CAD Applications - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ] *--------------------------------------------------------------------* Technical Information Management Systems for the Process Industry