aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) ssssaaaammmm77776666 ((((NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999988880000)))) aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEE ad76.sam - Original Adventure Game - Bilingual (requires s76 to function) SSSSYYYYNNNNOOOOPPPPSSSSIIIISSSS s76 ad76 DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN ---- EEEEnnnngggglllliiiisssshhhh Somewhere nearby is Colossal cave, where others have found fortunes in treasure and gold, though it is rumored that some who enter are never seen again. Magic is said to work in the cave. I will be your eyes and hands. Direct me with commands of 1 or 2 words. I should warn you that I look at only the first five letters of each word, so you'll have to enter "northeast" as "ne" to distinguish it from "north". There are 7 special words that you should know about. First the word "quit" ends the game at any point you wish. Next is the word help which is the way you got here but it may be used at other times if you get stuck. If I can I will give you hints when you enter "help". Another important word is "inventory". If you enter inventory I will tell you everything that you are carrying. "look" will cause a repeat of the current location description. The fifth is "score" At any point in the game I will tell you how many points you have. The next word is "preserve". This permits you to save the curent state of the game for future continuation. Respond to the question with the desired name, and after the game is saved you may either just continue or else "quit". To restart from the monitor just type in "AD GAME return" where "GAME" is name under which preserved. The last word is "restore". This may be used during the course of a game to reinitiate a previously "preserve"d game without having to reload from the beginning. With respect to your keyboard input: 1. input is expected in lower case characters. 2. Deletion of characters is done with the "BS or backspace" key. 3. Line delete is done with the "control X". 4. Control C returns you to the system monitor. There is a possibility of your falling out of the SAM76 program, this is evidenced by inaction regardless of your commands. Try recovering by typing the following: %**/ followed by a return. Page 1 (printed 9/7/92) aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) ssssaaaammmm77776666 ((((NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999988880000)))) aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) If this version is multilingual you may switch by demanding the desired language thus: francais for french, deutsch for german &c. This program was originally developed by Willie Crowther. Most of the features of the current program were added by Don Woods (Don @ Su-Ai). This SAM76 implementation was done in major part by Jim Manning. More features were added by Ancelme Roichel et al. Harley Licht proof tested and verified this version for reasonable authenticity. DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNN ---- FFFFrrrraaaannnnccccaaaaiiiissss Pres d'ici se trouve la caverne Colossale ou, j'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait des tresors et de l'or en quantite inimaginable. On dit aussi que beaucoup d'aventuriers se sont perdus dans cette caverne et n'en sont jamais revenus. Je serais vos mains et vos yeux. Dirigez moi avec des ordres de plusieurs mots. En general j'ignore les articles et je m'interesse seulement aux cinq premieres lettres des mots. Certaines abreviations sont permises telles que no pour n/o ou nord/ouest. Le mot "sauvegarde" permet de sauver la situation actuelle du jeu pour le reprendre plus tard. Apres avoir repondu a la question, il est possible de continuer ou bien de s'arreter en se servant du mot "fini". Pour recommencer on en fait la demande en ecrivant "AD NOM" suivi de la touche {RET...}; "NOM" represente le nom choisi au moment de sauvegarder le jeu. sauvegarde le jeu en servant du mot "restaurez". Cela evite de recharger le tout. avez avec vous. Le mot "SCORE" vous donne votre score. Le mot "AIDEZ" peut vous donner des indications utiles. Quelques regles pour entrer vos ordres: 1. Ils doivent etre ecrits en lettres minuscules. 2. Servez vous de la touche "BS" ou retour en arriere pour effacer. 3. "Controle X" efface une ligne entiere. 4. "Controle C" vous ramene au systeme d'exploitation. Il est possible qu'a un moment donne vos commandes n'aient plus d'effet. Essayez de demarrer de nouveau en ecrivant l'expression suivante: %**/ suivie de la touche de retour. Si cette version est multilingue vous pouvez changer la langue en demandant - english pour anglais, deutsch pour allemand etc. - - - Ce programme fut developpe a l'origine par Willie Crowther en Fortran. Beaucoup de complements furent ajoutes plus tard par Don Woods et d'autres. La presente version fut ecrite en language SAM76 par Jim Manning. Certains ajouts et corrections furent faits par Ancelme Roichel. Harley Licht a examine et verifie le texte pour un degre raisonable d'authenticite. Page 2 (printed 9/7/92) aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) ssssaaaammmm77776666 ((((NNNNoooovvvveeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr 1111999988880000)))) aaaadddd77776666....ssssaaaammmm((((6666)))) La version francaise, oeuvre d'Ancelme Roichel, a ete corrigee et devulgarisee selon les normes de l'Academie Francaise par Francois Brault et Thierry Gauthier. SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO s76(1) AAAAUUUUTTTTHHHHOOOORRRR Copyright (C) 1980 1989 Claude A. R. Kagan (att!sam76u!cark) Available from: sam76 Inc., RR2 Box 257, Pennington, NJ 08534 USA, or sam76 France. Page 3 (printed 9/7/92)