filename.ext -bytes --last change-- filename.ext -bytes --last change-- *FREE SPACE*21913600 SAM76LIB.ZIP 126098 09/08/92 02:44 SAM76ADV.ZIP 124697 09/08/92 03:15 SAM76OCC.ZIP 100225 09/08/92 03:18 SAM76DIS.ZIP 152248 09/08/92 03:17 SAM76ORI.ZIP 78497 09/08/92 03:19 SAM76DOC.ZIP 156197 08/29/92 20:35 SAM76SRC.ZIP 177018 09/08/92 03:08 SAM76EXE.ZIP 141988 09/08/92 03:12 SAM76TXT.ZIP 10924 09/08/92 02:43 It is suggested that they be installed as follows: Executable Dos files in \dos or \bin, or in some path Create a directory "sam76" and subdirectories as shown below: sam76 In which you unzip sam76dis and sam76txt (misc. scripts) adv in which you unzip sam76adv (scripted bilingual adventure) doc in which you unzip sam76doc (printable full documentation) src in which you unzip sam76src (full dos and unix source code) occ in which you unzip sam76occ (Hershey occidental fonts) ori in which you unzip sam76ori (Hershey oriental fonts) lib in which you unzip sam76lib, or put this in .\src and change the pathing of the makefile. (graphics libraries)