-------------------< Comments, comments, comments... >--------------------- 1) SHIFTING GALORE! Remember that stopping, accelerating, and turning all take time to perform, and you may end up executing several commands before the robot gets to the desired speed/facing, ESPECIALLY if you have the -P setting set high. However, SHIFTing your turret is instantaneous!! -Comment by: Ed T. Toton III 2) Look out for the walls! If a robot continuously tries to drive through walls, it will keep taking damage, even if not moving anywhere! MY robots have died that way! -Anonymous comment. 3) Variables Variables haven't been completely tested as of version 2.0. Since every command that is able to access them has it's own source code in each of two places (the compiler and the executer), it is extremely difficult to do so. If you spot bugs, please contact me. I don't think there's anything wrong though (we did a decent amount of testing) (famous last words...). -Comment by: Ed T. Toton III