Light speed, 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,282 miles per second, is a strange creature. Say you have a very powerful spaceship, and you kick in full power, and leave it there forever. The spaceship can never reach the speed of light. Nothing goes faster than light, and only light can go light speed. This is easier to picture if you know that mass and energy are different forms of each other. Light is called electromagnetic energy, and includes radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays; from low frequency to high. Only the visible portion, (a small portion), is something we can see with our eyes. All frequencies of light travel at the same speed. In the graph named "Never", the purple curved line represents your speed in the spaceship. The gray horizontal line will never be reached by the curved purple one. (Of course, the picture isn't perfect, we are limited by the resolution of our computers). But this makes it easier to visualize. The bottom red horizontal line is the X-axis, and motion to the right indicates force exerted by the spaceship engine. The vertical red line is the Y-axis and upward motion indicates increasing velocity, a function of the force of the engine.