ADAY.EXE (ver 2.0) by: Bill Heiman ADAY is a Time and Charges Logging program that is compatible with the AUTOSIG ATO program and ACLS. You will be able to read the time and costs accrued from your CSIS log-on's in a DAILY format. Not a session format. When used with ATO, you must have the "Log session" set to "Y" in your ATO forum configuration. If ADAY is used with any communication program other than ATO, you must run ADAY after you have logged off and insert the time that you were logged onto CSIS. When used with ATO, the log file will be updated automatically for you by ATO. Enclosed in this package are three files, ADAY.EXE and two Text files. ADAY.CFG which is the file to configure ADAY to your specifications and README.TXT (this file). ADAY.EXE will read the AUTOSIG.mth file and tell you how much time you were logged onto Compuserve on a daily basis indicating LOW for all log-ons under 500 bps and HIGH for all log-ons over 500 bps. Since Compuserve cuts off the weekly billing Satur- day evening. ADAY will also cut off the sessions for the week and sub-total them, also ending on Saturday night. ADAY knows every Saturday between now and December in the year 2005. Sunday log- ons will be recorded in the following week. The display can be run without this option by entering 0 when asked. If you find two entries with the same date, that's because you logged on with both the LOW and the HIGH baud rate that day. ADAY will also write to the AUTOSIG.mth file adding any log-on time that you run up on another Comm. Program OTHER than AUTOSIG. An ADAY bonus is that you can also write to the AUTOSIG.mth file and enter a minus number of minutes. As long as you don't enter over -99 minutes. This feature is very good if you spend any time in a FREE area of CompuServe. If you log on with ATO and end up going into TERMINAL mode in the practice forum or billing or any other place that CSIS gives you for free. ATO will automati- cally add ALL the log-on time to the Autosig.mth file. If you keep track of how long you were in a free area, you can use ADAY to deduct it from the file. (More on this later). ADAY.CFG default settings are for entering CSIS through a CSIS node with no local phone charges. If you are entering CSIS through Telenet or Tymenet or some other system or, you are contacting the local node through a long distance phone call, you will have to change the settings to the Per-Minute rate that YOU are paying. You can change the settings by editing the file ADAY.CFG. You must edit the ADAY.CFG file to set the price that you pay per minute to access CSIS on the Low and the High baud rate. You also will set the default drive, and the printer port. The instruc- tions are inside the .CFG file which is a text file and can be edited using your favorite text editor. ADAY.CFG Editing per min. charge. To determine the actual cost to you for accessing CSIS you have to figure many variables. The LOW rate is $ 6.00 per hour The HIGH rate is $12.50 per hour The CSIS access charge is $0.30 per hour through their node. ADAY figures the cost at the off time periods or the prime time periods, not both. This feature may be added later. If you always log on at the prime times, you can change the rates to reflect those figures. We just can't have both at this time. CSIS now charges the same for off time and prime time. Tymenet, Telenet and telephone charges vary depending on what time of day you log on. Tymenet and Telenet charges are $2.00 per hour off prime time. You will have to figure the Hourly charge for any long distance phone calls you make to reach a node. After you determine the total cost per hour to log on to CSIS, you can divide by 60 (minutes) to determine the per minute charge. The per minute charge is what has to be entered to the ADAY.CFG file. Example: Low rate $6.00 + Tymenet $2.00 + Phone call at 8 cents per min. or $4.80 per hour = $12.80 per hour total. $12.80 / 60 = 0.2133 (21 1/3 cents per min.) ADAY will run without the .cfg file at it's defaults. The de- faults are: LOW baud rate charge .105 per min. HIGH baud rate charge .2133 per min. These figures are computed using $6.00 low rate and $12.50 high rate. Plus .30 hour connect charges, on a local phone call. Default drive is C: (current directory). Printer Port is LPT1: I suggest that IF you run ADAY without the ADAY.CFG file, you save the config file for future use, if (when) Compuserve changes the current rate structure. Speaking of variables. There are many variables that determine the accuracy of this or any other logging program. Some of them we can control and some of them we cannot control. This may cause the ending figure to be off a few cents. For instance if you log off the last forum that you visit with a total of 5.8 minutes on-line. You may find that by the time CSIS drops the carrier on you, you have crossed into the 7 minute connect time figure. ADAY would call this a 6 minute log on. If you are on for 5.9 minutes, ADAY will show this as a full 7 minutes, as you have probably logged off with a 6.1 or 6.2 minutes and CSIS charges for the full (7) minutes. ADAY makes this correction only after the log-off indicator. It does not change any forum times when you move from forum to forum. ENTERING TIME TO THE AUTOSIG.mth FILE ADAY will allow you to add time that you accumulate on any OTHER communication program (other than AUTOSIG [ATO]) to the AUTO- SIG.mth file. It will show as 300 bps for LOW bps and show as 2400 bps for HIGH bps. ADAY and ACLS will handle these properly. It will also cut your time a little when it prints to the AUTOSIG.mth file. Not to worry, ADAY and ACLS will make the necessary corrections. To use this feature you will have to note the CONNECT (x) minutes as you log off CSIS. Then go into ADAY and enter the minutes that CSIS said you were connected for. There will be only one time stamp and it will be the time you ran the ADAY program. Not the actual time that you logged off CSIS. When entering time, the first question you are asked is the baud rate. If you were logged on at the HIGH baud rate (over 500 bps) just press the key and insert the time that you were logged on. If you were on at 300 or 450 bps, you will have to enter a <1> at the first prompt. When entering your log-on time, if you are entering a minus number, just place a (-) minus sign in front of your time and ADAY and ACLS will deduct that much time from your total time. You are given an opportunity to abort the operation before it is written to the disk file. The [Escape] key can be used at the first prompt to exit the program and used any other time in the program to return to the first prompt. Note: For users of earlier versions of ADAY which used the F-10 key rather than the [Escape] key, the F-10 key will still work, as before. DISCLAIMER You use this program at your own risk. I have been running ADAY in an IBM AT clone for over 4 years with no problems. I cannot guarantee it will work as well in your computer so I must dis- claim any liability for any problem that may occur when running on your hardware. As with all software, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ------------------------------------------------------ In keeping with the standards of the AutoSig Forum, I'm releasing this version of the program as FREEWARE. All I ask is a comment from you via Email on the program. Let me know your likes and/or dislikes. Tell me where you downloaded the program from, if not Compuserve. The recognition that you are using the program is enough pay for the program. You may not sell this program. You may give it to anyone or upload it to any bulletin board as long as all the files remain intact, you receive no money, and all 3 files are kept together. ADAY.EXE, ADAY.CFG and this README.TXT file. Computer clubs may distribute these files at a small cost (Not to exceed $6.00) to cover disk and duplicating cost. I can be contacted at: CompuServe 72300,3072 (My mail box please) Prodigy KGFV48A GEnie W.HEIMAN ---------- And a BIG THANK YOU ---------------