************************************************************* DATEBOOK: An automatic reminder program for important dates. By Bill Faust Version 1.0 8/29/92 ************************************************************* NOTE: If you wish to print these instructions, return to the DOS prompt and type: TYPE DATEBOOK.TXT > PRN (make sure the printer is on first!) For those of you who "Don't Do Manuals"....................... 1) Make sure the files datebook.exe and alarm.dat are in the root directory or somewhere accessible through your path statement. 2) Type: datebook /setup . (Use datebook /msetup if you have a mono only system!) 3) Follow the instructions to add YOUR alarms. The one that's in there will delete itself later. 4) Add the line: datebook or datebook /mono (for mono only systems) to your autoexec.bat file. (If you don't turn off your computer each day, place the line in a batch file that you normally run every day. You don't even have to run datebook from a batch file, just type datebook from the DOS prompt when you wish to check your alarms.) By the way, datebook is NOT a TSR program!! 5) Datebook will now run automatically every time you boot up. You will hear a beep and your message will appear. RESET will reset the alarm (to next week, month, etc). SAVE will NOT reset the alarm - it will appear each time you run datebook until you reset it. 6) P.S. You can always delete an alarm by running datebook /setup (No more anniversaries after the divorce decree is signed, etc). 7) If something doesn't make sense here, READ below. That's why I typed it. ********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* For those of you who DO "Do Manuals"................................ INSTALLING DATEBOOK: The files needed to run datebook are DATEBOOK.EXE and ALARMS.DAT. DATEBOOK.EXE is the program & ALARMS.DAT is the data file with all of your alarm information. Datebook is NOT a TSR program so you don't have to worry about memory or conflicts. Datebook is normally run from your autoexec.bat file. This way, every time you turn on the computer, the program checks for any alarms automatically. If you are in the "never turn off the computer!" camp, simply run datebook from a batch file that you normally run every day. If any of these don't suit you, just run datebook from the DOS prompt whenever you want to check on your alarms (but that's kind of self- defeating). Copy the 2 files to the root directory or any other directory accessible through your path statement. Make sure you put both of them in the SAME directory. Add these lines to your autoexec.bat file: cd\ [directory you put the files in] datebook [datebook /mono for mono systems] Examples: cd\utils datebook OR cd\ datebook /mono ADDING ALARMS: Now, BEFORE you run datebook for the first time, it would be nice to put in some of your own alarms. Type: datebook /setup (or datebook /msetup for mono systems) at the DOS prompt. You will be asked if you want to enter or delete alarms. Press A to ADD alarms. A dialogue box will appear & ask you to enter the TYPE of alarm. They are as follows: YEARLY - Alarm sounds once every year on the same date. (ie. 6/1/92, 6/1/93, etc.) MONTHLY - Alarm sounds once every month on the same day of the month. (ie. 5/20/92, 6/20/92, etc) WEEKLY - Alarm sounds once a week on the same day of the week. (ie. every Monday) ONE TIME - Alarm sounds one time only. Choose the alarm type by pressing the appropriate highlighted letter - Y for YEARLY, M for MONTHLY, etc. Next, you will be prompted for the date of the alarm. Type in the number of the month (1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, etc.) followed by the date (1-31) and finally the FULL year (1992, 2001, etc. Don't type '92 or similar). Finally, type in the message you want displayed for the alarm. The maximum number of characters for the message is 40. When you have finished, you will be asked if the information is correct. If it is, press . If it is not, press X and you can redo the above process. You will then be asked if you wish to add more alarms. Type Y or N to continue as you wish. There is a maximum limit of 100 alarms. Datebook is now ready to work for you. Datebook is shipped with one alarm installed already. It is a "one timer" that will erase itself automatically when reset. DELETING ALARMS: Eventually you will need to get rid of some alarms. (No more anniversaries when the lawyer drops off the final divorce decree!) Type: datebook /setup (or ... /msetup for mono systems) and then D to delete alarms. Your alarms will be numbered & listed on screen - up to 20 at a time. You will be prompted to enter the number of the alarm you wish to delete or type C to Continue. Find the alarm you wish to delete and type its number followed by . The number you typed will clear and you may enter additional numbers for other alarms you wish to delete. When you are finished with that page, type C to continue. If you have more alarms, another page will be displayed. Repeat the above process until finished. When there are no more alarms in your list and you press C to continue, the program will ask you if you are SURE you wish to delete the chosen alarms. Press Y for yes or N for no. If you press Y, the alarms will THEN be deleted. Pressing N will return you to the DOS prompt. Simply rerun the setup program to delete the alarms. (NOTE: If you just want to view your alarms, run setup as if you were going to delete alarms. Press C to continue to each page and then type N so that no alarms are deleted.) USING DATEBOOK: Datebook is pretty automatic. When you boot up, the program runs. It checks the date and looks through your alarms. If an alarm is now due OR ITS TIME HAS PASSED, it will be displayed and the computer will beep. The date of the alarm and your message line appear in the box. You now have two choices: RESET - Resets the alarm according to its type. A yearly alarm for Jan 1,1992 will RESET to Jan 1, 1993. SAVE - The alarm will NOT be reset. It will remain intact and therefore keep going off every time you start the computer. This is useful when it's difficult for you to do anything about the alarm at the moment. (And you're afraid the alarm will fade from your memory as well as the computers' the minute you turn it off!) Type the highlighted letter of your choice. If another alarm is due, it will be displayed now. Alarms will be displayed until there are no more current ones due. TIPS ON USING DATEBOOK: I wrote this program primarily for myself - I can't remember anything! It is perfect for all those little things that I can never remember. Use the yearly alarms for the obvious ones; Aunt Ethel's Birthday, YOUR ANNIVERSARY, Pearl Harbor Day, backing up your hard disk (?), etc. However, don't set the alarm for THE date of the event. Set the alarm for a week or so ahead of time - put the actual date in the message line. If you want to send Elvis a birthday card, it's no use finding out that the card was supposed to be at Graceland by TODAY! Don't forget Mother's Day too. Use the monthly alarm's for things like - my favorite - the dog's worm pills! Set up an alarm to remind you to pay the bills, no more nasty notes from the mortgage co. Use the weekly alarms for - my second favorite - TRASH DAY! (One of my prime motivations for writing this!) Bath day is also a good one. The One Time alarms are good for Doctor appointments, special events, and to record the Twilight Zone marathon on PBS next Saturday night. Finally, don't reset alarms unless you're sure you'll do what it is you're supposed to do. SAVE the alarm if you need to pick up a birthday card and you know you won't get to the mall for 2 or 3 days. (One note of caution. Leap year MAY throw off a FEW of your alarms by a day or two. You may have to delete and then re-enter a few.) FINAL NOTES: As I said, I wrote this program primarily for myself. I am not, nor do I claim to be, a professional programmer. I decided to make this "Shareware" because I felt other people could get some use out of it too. The are giga- bytes of other programs out there that do the same thing or more, but none of them seemed to fit the bill for me. I use this program every day. Now, nobody gets mad at me for forgetting their birthdays or not taking out the trash. (The dog is even happy with me for keeping the worms away.) If you get some use out of the program, feel free to send whatever "donation" you feel is appropriate. If you like the program, tell me - this is my first foray into the world of Shareware. If you absolutely hate it, keep it to yourself, I bruise easily. (Constructive criticism is welcome.) If you have any bugs with the program I MAY be able to fix it, but I can't guarantee anything. With a job, a 2 year old, & both my wife & myself back in school, I'm a little short on time these days. You can send donations to: Bill Faust 229 HAINES AVE. BARRINGTON, NJ 08007-1117 (You can also look me up on Prodigy.) Please feel free to make copies and distribute this program for your friends, enemies, other BBS's, etc. However, please DO NOT alter the program in any way. LEGAL STUFF: This product is shipped "AS IS" and no warranties are given or implied. The creator shall not be held liable for any damage from the use of this product. Thanks, Bill Faust