MS Windows 3.1/3.0 TRIDENT TVGA8900CL/CX Drivers ================================================ (Release C4.3 Sep,92) Disk Contents ------------- README.TXT -- This File W800.DRV -- 800x600 16-color W1024FC.DRV -- 1024x768 16-color (512K required) W1280.DRV -- 1280x1024 16-color (1024K required) MT640.DRV -- 640x480-256c (386 & 512K required) MT800.DRV -- 800x600-256c (386 & 1024K required) MT1024.DRV -- 1024x768-256c (386 & 1024K required) MT1280.DRV -- 1280x1024-256c (386 & 2048K required) T800-5.DRV -- 800x600-256c (512K required) HI640.DRV -- 640x480 32768-color (Sierra DAC SC11482/3/4 and 8900 with 1M video memory required) HI800.DRV -- 800x600 32768-color (Sierra DAC SC11482/3/4 and 8900 with 1M video memory required) Note ---- * All of MT*.DRV drivers ONLY support Trident TVGA 8900CL, 8900CX or higher. You MUST have 386/486 machine to run the drivers. Installation ------------ 1. First install MS Windows 3.x using the standard IBM VGA driver. 2. Make sure Windows 3.x is working properly. 3. Change to Windows 3.x directory (e.g. c:\windows), run SETUP.EXE. 4. Insert enclosed disk, change display driver to "Other...". 5. Enter the path of TRIDENT driver (e.g. A:\ ). 6. Select a suitable TRIDENT driver. 7. Follow instructions to finish SETUP. Hints for Windows 3.1 Users =========================== 1. Make sure you select the Trident driver from directory \WIN of Trident Driver & Utilities Disk 2. 2. Please be sure to use the Windows 3.1 diskettes if SETUP asks for Windows disk. 3. If you have previously installed any Trident Windows 3.x drivers, please delete OEM?.INF (e.g. OEM0.INF) in Windows SYSTEM directory. 4. All driver files are compressed by using Microsoft COMPRESS. If you copy/install the driver to/from network server, you MUST expand all driver files by using Microsoft EXPAND. See Windows 3.1 manual for detail. Important Note for Windows 3.0 ============================== If you have installed previous version of the Windows 3.0 Trident drivers, you will have to delete the old Trident driver files BEFORE you use SETUP to install the new drivers, otherwise SETUP will NOT copy the new driver files to your Windows 3.0 directory. The files which you should delete are in Windows 3.0 SYSTEM sub-directory (e.g. c:\windows\system\ ), they might be: W800.DRV, W1024.DRV, W1024F.DRV, T640.DRV, T800.DRV, T1024.DRV, T1024F.DRV HI*.DRV VDDTVGA.386 TVGA.GR3 NOTE for network installation ----------------------------- If you try to install Windows through a network, i.e. SETUP/N, it will not copy any file from the Trident Driver disk to the network Windows directory and local Windows directory. The reason why it happen is: the files in Trident Driver Disk are compressed by MicroSoft COMPRESS, just like the files in Windows disks #1 to #5. The normal SETUP can automatically expand the compressed driver files, while the SETUP/N do not expand the compressed files. Here is the solution: 1. Expand the five Windows 3.0 disks to your network Windows directory, as per Windows manual, "Putting Windows on a Network", pp. 553-554. 2. Please use the same method to expand Trident Window driver disk to the same network Windows directory. Note: Please note that the Trident Driver files are compressed using the MS COMPRESS. So users should use EXPAND to decompress them before running SETUP/N. 3. After this, SETUP/N to install windows as described in Windows manual, "Getting Windows from a Network", p.545. Select "Other" as Trident Video Driver.