CHRIST---THE ANOINTED ONE The Hebrew word `mashach', which occurs about seventy times in the Old Testament, means "to anoint, smear, consecrate." The basic thrust of the term simply suggests the smearing of a substance (e.g., oil or paint) on another object. Jeremiah spoke of a man who had his house "painted" red (22:14). But the word also is used of an anointing which consecrates. At Bethel, Jacob had "anointed" a pillar in connection with a vow which he had made to Jehovah (Genesis 31:13). Most generally, however, `mashach' denotes an anointing that has to do with setting something apart for an office or function. In the Old Testament, PROPHETS, PREISTS, and KINGS were anointed in preparation for their services (cf. I Kings 19:16; Exodus 28:41; I Samuel 10:1). These offices of the Old Testament pictured the three- fold work of Jesus. In the New Testament, our Lord is called the "Christ," which means "the anointed one." He serves as our Prophet, for He speaks the Word of God to man (Acts 3:22). He is our Priest, making atonement of the sins of humanity (Hebrews 3:1). And He is our King, speaking with royal authority from Heaven (Revelation 17:14). How wonderfully the Old Testament prepared the way for the coming of the Anointed One (see Acts 10:38). Those in the first century who were obedient to the Gospel plan became known (by divine authority) as "Christians," i.e., ANOINTED ONES (Acts 11:26; I Peter 4:16; II Corinthians 1:21). As such, we have a three-fold function: (1) We SPEAK FORTH the truth to the lost world (Mark 16:15); (2) We offer ourselves as SACRIFICES to God (Romans 12:1); and, (3) We walk in KINGLY splendor with our Lord (Revelation 1:6). "Reason from Revelation" Vol.II,No.2 February, 1990 This file may be copied, but is distributed on the understanding that it will not be modified or edited, and will not be used for commercial purposes. Further, it may not be copied without due reference to the original publication source, author, year, and name and address of the publisher. Apologetics Press 230 Landmark Drive Mongomery, AL 36117-2752 Downloaded from: The Christian Connection of Palm Beach 300/1200/2400 bps 407/533/5216