THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I. The term is NOT found in the Old Testament. II. The first New Testament usage is when John the Baptist promised that Jesus would come and baptize individuals with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:11). III. Just before His ascension, Jesus promised the apostles that they would be baptized in the HS in just a few days (Acts 1:5). IV. Just ten days later the twelve apostles were baptized in the Spirit and the evidence was that they began speaking in languages which men understood (Acts 2:1-8). V. The next mention of the term is in connection with Cornelius and those in his household. They received exactly what the apostles received in Acts 2. The details of the coming of the Spirit on Cornelius and his household are found in Acts 10. When the Spirit came they knew that the Spirit had been given to the Gentiles '...FOR THEY HEARD THEM SPEAK WITH TONGUES AND MAGNIFY GOD..." (Acts 10:44,45). Note that the evidence was again speaking with tongues. In the next chapter Peter said that God gave the Gentiles "the same gift" (the Greek says the identical gift---Acts 11:15,16). So God baptized both the Jews (Acts 2) and the Gentiles (Acts 10) in the Holy Spirit and both times the evidence was speaking in tongues which men could understand for in both of these examples where the term is used the audience could understand that they were magnifying God (See Acts 2:11 & Acts 10:46). VI. Many today have confused the understanding and have sought to convince that speaking in tongues is evidence of H.S. baptism and that one can be baptized in the H.S. without ever speaking in tongues that men understand. This is one of the main differences between what men claim today as the baptism of the Holy Spirit and what is described in Bible. Keep this in mind as you study the Bible. The only way to know truth is to find it in the Bible---not to seek truth from what men are saying and then try to make that fit the Bible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "gift of the Holy Spirit" was promised in Acts chapter two to the individuals who would repent and be baptized, how then did they receive this which the apostles received? --consider this: The Holy Spirit was given to the apostles, and the Holy Spirit was given to those who obeyed. However, there were some differences. The apostles received the Holy Spirit by being baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4,5). When used literally the word "baptized" means to immerse, to submerge" in whatever element is in view (for example baptized in water, baptized in fire, etc). The word is also used figuratively and indicates to be overwhelmed. (You may can see this usage, as when one is baptized in water he is overwhelmed by it). Thus on the day of Pentecost the H.S. can upon the apostles and overwhelmed them so that they HAD TO SPEAK in tongues. In I Corinthians we read of some who could speak in tongues but THEY, not the Holy Spirit, determined whether they would speak. In the second passage they were not overwhelmed. (See I Cor. 14:27-34 to see that the individuals in this passage were in control of whether or not they spoke in tongues). This is one major difference between the two descriptions of individuals who had received the Holy Spirit. The Bible never describes those who received the H.S. in I Cor. 14 as having been baptized by the Spirit. The question then comes, "If they were not baptized by the Holy Spirit, then how did they receive Him?" The answer is found in Acts 8:13-19. The apostles could were God's channel though which those who were Christians received the "gift of the Holy Spirit." Look at these verses carefully. Verse 14 says the apostles were sent to Samaria in order that the Samaritans might receive the Spirit. The apostles came down and laid hands on these believers and "they received the Spirit." Verse 18 says that Simon saw that it was through "the laying on of the apostles hands" that the Spirit was given. This is one of the main difference between what the apostles received, and what those individuals received when the apostles laid hands on them. When the hands of an apostle were laid on individuals the reception of the Spirit was manifested in various ways. Read I Corinthians 12:1-11 carefully. The same Spirit was given to all, but the manifestation of Him differed between individuals. Some received the Spirit and this was manifested in Divine wisdom, another received Divine knowledge, another ability to perform miracles, another to heal, another to speak in tongues, another to interpret these tongues, etc. These gifts of the Spirit was that which was promised to those who obeyed in Acts 2. As to their continuation into the present day---well that's another question. However consider this. If these gifts came from the laying on of the apostles hands and there are no apostles today.....