SOMETHING INTERESTING In the third chapter of the Book of Revelation an INTERESTING statement is made by Jesus as He addresses the church at Laodicea. In Rev 3:15,16 He makes the following statement; "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So, then, because you art luke- warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth." The words "spew out of my mouth" have long been interpreted on the basis of a local background. Six miles north, across the plateau, lay the city of Hierapolis. This city was noted for it's hot-springs, which began in the city, flowing across the plateau and spilling over a steep slope directly opposite Laodicea. This hot mineral-laden water flowed across the plateau, it lost much of it's boiling qualities and became lukewarm as it spilled over the edge opposite Laodicea. This mineral-laden water was rich with alum and sulphur. Many a new visitor would try to drink some of it only to spit it out on the ground. This idea of nausea caused by the condition of those who belonged to the church is held to by one commentator by the name of Blaiklock. Moffatt speaks of this condition as "moral nausea roused by tepid religion". However, in an important paper, Rudwick and Green hold to the idea that the adjectives "hot," "cold" ,and "lukewarm" are to be taken as a description of the spiritual fervor or the lack of it in the people in this church. A far greater result may have been produced by their condition. As it was said earlier, the hot-springs of Hierapolis were well known. The aid of these springs to human suffering by bathing in them was also known. Now still one other of Laodicea's nearby neighbors must be examined. This was the town of Colossae. This town was known for its clear cold pure water and its refreshing effect. With this in mind, a contrast between the medicinal waters of Hierapolis and the cold, clear, and pure waters of Colossae can be drawn. In the spiritual sense, Jesus was saying the church was not providing for the healing of the spiritualy sick nor was it providing refreshment to the spiritualy weary. In simple terms, the church was not being called out for its spiritual temperature but for lack of fruits in its work. It was completely ineffective in its God given tasks. Agreed, this could be, and probably was, caused by the condition of the individual members and leadership. He indicted the whole church. One other thing this theory explains is the unusual statement by Jesus when he said "I would thou wert cold or hot". One more thing. Please take note of the word "about" as it occurs in the NIV translation in verse 16. Also please take note of the following consoling remarks that follow. The honest and true description of their condition. Those beautiful words "I counsel you" and "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten..." and the invitation to "be zealous and repent". Not one place does the word condemnation or condemn appear but more in a general sense the word exhort appears in many forms. The message is quite simple: "You as a church are not where you need to be. Get there while there is still time. Condemnation will come at sometime if nothing is done. But today THERE IS STILL TIME TO REPENT." Here we have a loving God seeking to make known, while there is still time, the serious shortcomings of a group of His followers. An Almighty God, who spoke the earth and universe into being, seeking His followers. Please look at all the religions of this world and take note that the followers are seeking their gods, not their gods seeking them. INTERESTING difference!!!!!!!