MIRACLES HAVE CEASED "I see in the Bible where the miraculous gifts were given to man, but I cannot see where they ceased." This remark was made by a man who believes that he can perform miracles. Like him, many believe that miraculous powers are a perpetual part of the Christian Age. But, this belief conflicts with the following biblical teaching. First, miraculous powers were temporary. Consider this inspired prophecy: "for we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away" (I Corinthians 13:9-10---emp. added). Note the contrast drawn between "that which is in part" and "that which is perfect." I Corinthians 12 shows that miraculous powers were allotted to early Christians "in part." So, although no one person had all of the powers, working together, the church did. Second, keeping the contrast in mind, "that which is perfect" is best understood as the perfect (i.e., completed) New Testament Scriptures (see II Peter 1:3; II Timothy 3:16,17). As the apostles carried out the great commission, they did not have the New Testament in a book as we do. Instead, they spoke the Word and confirmed its divine origin with miracles (Mark 16:20). Where they preached, they conferred miraculous gifts upon individual Christians. This enabled them to teach and confirm the Lord's Will in their communities (see Acts 8:14-17). Such confirmation was no longer needed when the Word was set down in writing. Now, a preacher's message is confirmed by an appeal to the written Word. The need for miracles ceased. Third, in the absence of the true apostles (Acts 1:22), it is impossible to acquire miraculous gifts (Acts 8:18). If miracles are being performed today, there must be apostles living on Earth which are nearly two thousand years old! Where are they? (C) 1991 Apologetics Press, Inc All Rights Reserved This file may be copied, but is distributed on the understanding that it will not be modified or edited, and will not be used for commercial purposes. Further, it may not be copied without due reference to the original publication source, author, year, and name and address of the publisher. Apologetics Press 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117-2752 Downloaded from: The Christian Connection of Palm Beach 300/1200/2400 bps 407/533/5216