Operation RESCUE: Purpose and Philosophy ****************************************** 1. To save the lives of the babies that would otherwise have been killed at the abortion mill had the rescue mission not been conducted. 2. To call the Church to repentance for its silent role in the 25 million abortions that have been performed in our country. These abortions have been made possible by the implicit permission, the unthinking cooperation, and the quiet complicity of the Christian community. The time has come for us to withdraw our consent, refuse to cooperate further, and demand that the killing stop. 3. To remind ourselves that the life of each and every child is a splendid gift from God and should be celebrated as such. Even if we change the laws of our land, we must still address the spiritual crisis that has led so many mothers to reject their children in favor of the false promises of the world. When we lose sight of this fact, it is only a matter of time until we lose sight of who God is. Operation Rescue, as much as anything else, is meant to rescue our sense of God and how He is trying to reveal Himself to us. 4. To establish solidarity with the suffering of the unborn children who are victims of abortion. We are also committed to reaching out in love to the mothers who have been so damaged by the abortion industry. 5. To demonstrate to the world that we believe the words: "abortion is murder", and that we are ready to act as though we believed them. "Rescue those being unjustly led to the slaughter ..." (Proverbs 24:11) *************************************************************** Austin Operation RESCUE: (512)-835-SAVE 835-7283 ****************************************************************************** Austin Operation RESCUE: General ****************************************** (Dated Sept. 88) In the last three months, over 4500 people have been arrested in a handful of cities as they participated in rescue missions at abortion clinics. The purpose of these rescue missions is to block the doorway of the abortion mills, in a peaceful way, and keep the people inside from killing the unborn children. For each of these rescue workers, the time had come for them to put their convenience on the line. For years, we have been saying that abortion is murder. These men and women have decided to act like it is murder. The problem with this approach is that the laws in America protect the abortionists - not the innocent victims or their defenders. This leaves the authorities with no choice other than to arrest the rescue workers - even though their only crime had been to try to do what the government has refused to do: defend the weakest and most innocent human lives. America has already seen 25 million abortions. They have been made possible by the implicit permission, the unthinking cooperation, and the quiet complicity of the Christian community. Any building in which abortions are being conducted that does not have a Christian outside registering his or her rejection of the killing could appropriately display a sign that says: ******************************************** * THE ABORTIONS BEING PERFORMED ON THESE * * PREMISES ARE APPROVED OF BY THE LOCAL * * CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY * ******************************************** How much longer can we allow the situation to go unchallenged? THE TIME HAS COME FOR US TO WITHDRAW OUR CONSENT, REFUSE TO COOPERATE FURTHER, AND DEMAND THAT THE KILLING STOP. During the rescue missions, the abortions slow to a trickle. Would you walk around a paddy wagon, between police barricades, through the glare of TV cameras, and into a group of singing and praying rescue workers, to kill one of your children? The authority of the government flows only from the consent of the governed. If we refuse to be governed by the laws that facilitate these abortions, then the abortions will stop. Never has it been more necessary for the Christian community to respond to God's call. With Operation Rescue, we have the chance to engage the devil in a way that our generation has never before seen him confronted. What would you have been doing if you had lived in Nazi Germany? Babies are being killed and we have it within our power to put a stop to it. In many ways, all those who call themselves "pro-life" are now being asked to step out in defense of the children that are dear to Our Lord. When babies are being killed, signing a petition is not enough. If you could only see the sight of an abortion clinic surrounded by Christian rescue workers. In each case, it's as if God has sent angels down to stop the killing. And the killing stops. "Whatever you have done unto the least of these my brothers, you have done it unto Me." (Matthew 25:40) *************************************************************** Austin Operation RESCUE: (512)-835-SAVE 835-7283