Austin Operation RESCUE: A Personal Experience ****************************************** December 27, 1988 I first heard of Operation Rescue during the rescue missions at the Atlanta abortion chambers, around August 1988. Prior to that, I had known abortion was murder, that it was from hell, and that it needed to stop. I had marched in the March for Life in Austin at the beginning of 1988, but I came away with the (realistic) impression that the pro-abortion forces in society and our government just looked on and thought, "Isn't that nice." I knew that the only way the victory would be had was by the grace of God - through the prayers of the saints (all of us), our faith, and our righteous stand in the middle of wickedness. So when Austin Rescue began this September, I knew here was our opportunity to hold up the banner of Godliness. At the first workshop (workshops are held regularly prior to any rescue mission), I was pleasantly surprised at the attitude of the people there. There was not the bitterness that I had too easily felt for the system that lied to expectant mothers and convinced them to kill their children. Really, I saw that the Holy Spirit reigned in the hearts of the people, and that no one had the goal of creating a public nuisance or personal glory. Well, trying to keep this short and simple: there are many ways to participate in helping Austin rescue, including being a rescuer (which exposes you to arrest), a prayer supporter (being at the rescue site and lifting up the rescuers in prayer, but not blocking the entrance of the abortion chamber), to volunteer office work and financial support. The people who give their time and effort to this cause come from all types of backgrounds. One of the great blessings of being involved with Austin Rescue is standing side-by-side with Christians of all faiths (97 different churches represented here in Austin) and being in one accord with them. But by far, the greatest blessing is knowing that babies lives were spared on each occasion. You can get more information from: AUSTIN RESCUE 8101 Cameron Rd., Ste. 207 Austin, Texas 78753 (512) 835-SAVE (that's 835-7283) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Here are four brief subjects that have risen now that Operation Rescue has become more popular (notorious?): COST TO THE TAXPAYERS: the last media coverage given to Austin Rescue (by the way, media coverage is NOT the goal) made a big point of letting the public know that the rescue that day had cost Austin about four or five thousand dollars. Now, no one complained about spending several multiples of that amount (I estimate) so that the public could wallow around drunk on Sixth Street this Halloween. I really don't have a bad conscience about the cost to the taxpayers, the real cost is human life. PROPER RESPONSE?: Some leaders of various religious groups around the country have been extremely hesistant, and even outspoken against Operation Rescue. Of course, there are churches right here in Austin that support abortion. Anyway, the quote I remember is from a leader of a large, "mainstream" denominational church that is about three blocks away from Atlanta's largest abortion mill (the mill is so large it has it's own incinerator and smokestack). The pastor said that the current situation does not warrant "civil disobedience". In a country where the laws approve of killing as an acceptable means of dealing with unwanted children, and where thousands of "doctors" and several large "family planning" organizations present abortion as an "alternative" to live birth - good grief! what does this pastor think would warrant civil disobedience!? Please read "A Christian Manifesto", by Francis A. Schaeffer, regarding the matter of withdrawing one's consent from the state. The book mainly draws on the history of "civil disobedience" in the Scriptures and in the Reformation Period of the church, and applies those things to today. THE RESCUE MISSIONS HAVE NO EFFECT: This has been the continual message of the abortion industry since the rescue "movement" began. Can you imagine the flood of Christian rescue workers if the abortion industry said: "Yes, these rescues are saving babies lives by the thousands." The point is: don't rely on the abortion industry for info regarding Operation Rescue. In Atlanta, since the rescues have begun, the number of appointments at the Crisis Pregnancy Center there increased by 50% (this percentage is to the best of my memory, the number may have been higher). This Center supports expectant mothers to have their babies adopted, or to keep them and raise them (but not to kill them). Also, according to a study performed by a group which is pro-abortion (I don't remember the group's name, but is probably available at Austin Rescue), around 25% of all the women who fail to keep their first abortion appointment never reschedule to actually carry-out the abortion. I'D RATHER PREACH THE GOSPEL: I can understand that some people are just so involved in daily ministry that they can't afford the time to do anything else. But by far, that is not the rule. And through the rescue missions, the difference that the Lordship of Jesus makes in our hearts shines in the darkness of the world. The rescue mission IS a call to repentance. ******************************************************************** Please prayerfully consider this and what YOU can do. As for myself, I didn't need a "word from the Lord" to get involved, it would have taken a word from Him to NOT join the battle.