THE WOLF AND THE LAMB In Isaiah 11:1ff, the prophet directs his attention far into the future towards the Messiah's kingdom. He describes a reign of peace among those who seek refuge in Christ. Graphic symbols are employed to convey the message. Creatures that are natural enemies (e.g., the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid, etc.---vs. 6), live in harmony. Even the normally carnivorous lion eats straw like the ox (vs. 7), and children play safely among vipers (vs. 8). Premillennialists view the language of this passage literally and suggest that it is a description of the Earth during Christ's "millennial reign." But neither the context nor the overall teaching of the Bible admits this interpretation. The fact is, Isaiah is showing the power of the Gospel to change men's hearts as they come into God's "holy mountain" (vs. 9). This is made evident when one consults Daniel 2:35,44. Observe how Daniel connects the "mountain" of verse 35 with the "kingdom" of verse 44. That kingdom is the church of the New Testament period (cf. Matthew 16:18,19; Colossians 1:13; Revelation 1:4,6). Comparative Bible study shows that the "mountain" of Daniel's prophecy finds its fulfillment in the Gospel age, not in some theor etical millennium. In verse 10, the text continues by asserting that in the Christian era the "root of Jesse" (Jesus) would function as a rallying banner, and unto Him would the Gentiles look for glorious rest. Mark this passage, and in the margin of your text make this notation: "See Romans 15:12." In this New Testament context the inspired apostle applies Isaiah's prophecy to the Gospel age. I have found it exceedingly strange that some premillennial commentators, in discussing Isaiah 11, have totally ignored the New Testament usage of Isaiah's prediction. (C) 1991 Apologetics Press, Inc All Rights Reserved This file may be copied, but is distributed on the understanding that it will not be modified or edited, and will not be used for commercial purposes. Further, it may not be copied without due reference to the original publication source, author, year, and name and address of the publisher. Apologetics Press 230 Landmark Drive Montgomery, AL 36117-2752 Downloaded from: The Christian Connection of Palm Beach 300/1200/2400 bps 407/533/5216