Subj: Icon-Edit Ver. 0.4B Date: May 22, 1992 From: GWRep Rose File: ICNEE04B.EXE (24448 bytes) DL time (2400 baud): < 3 minutes Download count: 209 AUTHOR: Thomas Wachsmann Keywords: Icon, iconedit, Wachsmann, DOS, utility The Icon Editor is a DOS utility which permits users to create new PC/GEOS icons or edit existing ones. This updated version includes mirroring the icon, filling an area, moving the icon and resizing a non-standard-icon to 48x30 pixels. Its author, Thomas Wachsmann, is a German member of the GEOS Users Club (GUC). He states it requires at least EGA video, it is still a BETA VERSION, and it will probably be the last version. Pay attention to the documentation, as it is possible to do damage to your existing icons if you don't exercise caution.