.BIN file to be loaded from within dBASE III PLUS (or Developer's Release) to verify that a disk drive has a disk in it before trying to write to it. The program expects to be passed a character variable (not a constant) and returns an 'X' in that variable if an error occurred (if the disk isn't ready). This is done by calling the BIOS routine to verify a specific disk sector. If this can't be done, an error is returned without relying on DOS' "ABORT, RETRY, IGNORE" message. To use it from within dBASE III PLUS, type: LOAD DISK STORE 'A' TO drivename && for example CALL DISK WITH drivename IF drivename = 'X' DO error routine ELSE DO whatever ENDIF (This was taken from DISK.ASM, which is all that came with the file DISK.BIN in the way of documentation. Note that the code above works for dBASE IV just fine ... Ken)