Version 3.2 Notes May 18, 1992 ----------------- Responding to the deluge of requests, I have added color to the Movie Search program (MOVIE.EXE). I also tightened up the display and search routines. Version 3.1 was a small-scale release with only very minor changes. Currently in the works - Print routine to print results of searches. Will be able to print all or part of your match results. Ability to scroll forward or backwards when reviewing the results of your search, and a few other goodies I'm sure you'll find useful. I'm always open to suggestions, so if there's something you'd like to see, drop me a note on Compuserve (70053,105), or mail them to me via regular mail. Version 3.01 Notes July 5, 1991 ------------------ Corrected a bug in v. 3.0 that caused an error when displaying long movie entries Version 3.0 Notes July 1, 1991 ----------------- MOVIE.EXE v. 3.0 Version 3.0 of The Movie Search Library is a complete re-write of many of the Input/Output and Display routines in the search program MOVIE.EXE. Movies are now displayed using an "exploding window" format, disk access of the data files has been tightened considerably (less wear and tear on your hard drives), and the overall user interface is more consistent. The program operates in the same way as previous versions, so if you are a current user of The Movie Search Library, this will be a painless upgrade. MOVIE.DAT v. 3.0 There have been a number of changes in the MOVIE.DAT data file. Some of the changes correct data inconsistencies (duplicates, errors, etc), and the file has also been optimized to take advantage of v. 3.0 of MOVIE.EXE. For best results, use this version with v. 3.0 of MOVIE.EXE. Version 3.0 has been thoroughly tested. However, if you should find any bugs, incompatibilities, data inconsistencies, or if you just want to drop me a note with any comments or suggestions, I can be reached via Compuserve at user id - 70053,105 (Scott Edgar). I also monitor both the RIME and ILINK Shareware echoes, and can read/respond there.