Handling Temporary Files The error message you received indicates that the network configuration of user's rights has not been set up properly. It is necessary for all system users to have the ability to create and delete files in the Q&A directory, if running under Q&A 3.0. It is necessary for all system users to have modify rights to the Q&A directory if you are running under Q&A 4.0. Whenever you use sorting commands, Q&A creates a temporary work file on the network server or specified DOS path. When all the records are sorted, Q&A automatically erases the temporary file. Without the appropriate network rights assigned, the user will not be able to create or delete the temporary file which is necessary for sorting. Consult your network administrator or network software manual for more information on how to assign network rights. If you are not running on a network, or you are using Q&A 4.0 you may be referencing an invalid DOS path. Under Utilities/Set Global Options you must specify a valid DOS path and sub-directory. This sub-directory must exist in DOS. Q&A WILL NOT CREATE THE SUB-DIRECTORY. Users should have full rights to this sub-directory. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2015 Page 1 of 1