Using the Sequential Numbering Feature This feature can be used for numbering invoices, customer records, products or any records in general. Below are the steps necessary for automatically numbering any new records in your database and also for numbering existing records. If you want to increment the @NUMBER by more than one, use @NUMBER(n) where "n" is the amount of the increment. HOW TO NUMBER EVERY NEW RECORD THAT IS ADDED F-File D-Design File - choose your filename.dtf C-Customize I-Set Initial Value tab to the field where you would like the number to appear (for this example we will refer to it as RECORD NUMBER), type: @NUMBER Choose F-Format Values Tab to the RECORD NUMBER field and type an "N" (no quotes) after the number field Global Format Options HOW TO RESET @NUMBER F-File A-Add Data Press CTRL-F8, the Reset @NUMBER box will appear, reset the @NUMBER value to one less than the number you would like to used as your next number. HOW TO NUMBER ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS F-File M-Mass Update Retrieve Spec, press to retrieve all records Update Spec, tab to the RECORD NUMBER field and type: #1 = @NUMBER Choose "NO" to confirming each update individually. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2102 Page 1 of 1