Making Room to Teach the IA The error message you received indicates that Q&A has estimated that it will not have enough space to teach the Intelligent Assistant. Q&A tends to be a bit conservative in estimating its needs, as a part of its efforts to safeguard your data, so it may be that you have plenty of room for a taught database. To override Q&A's estimate do the following. From Main Menu, choose File, then Copy and enter the name of your database. This will bring you to the Copy Menu. Choose D to Copy Design Only and enter a new temporary name for the database. When Q&A finishes making the copy, go back to the Intelligent Assistant and teach it about the new design you just created. After you have finished, return to File, choose Copy and enter the old name for the database. From the Copy Menu, this time choose S to Copy Selected Forms, enter the temporary name and press F10 on the Retrieve Spec and Merge Spec. When Q&A finishes copying the forms into your new design, you will have successfully taught the Intelligent Assistant about your database. You can now return to Main Menu, choose Utilities, and then DOS file facilities to delete the old copy of the database and then rename the new one. We also suggest making a backup of your new database at this point. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2104 Page 1 of 1