Separating Whole Name Fields If a Q&A database has a single field for a person's whole name, it can be redesigned to have separate fields for each element of the name using this procedure. Redesign the form and add the fields First, Middle, and Last as text fields. Also add an auxiliary field called Dummy as a multi-line text field. Enter the following to the Update Spec of a Mass Update: Whole Name: #1 First: #2 Middle: #3 Last: #4 Dummy: #5: IF @INSTR(#1, " ")>0 THEN { #2=@LEFT(#1,(@INSTR(#1, " ") -1)); #3=@MID(#1,@INSTR(#1, " ") +1, 25); #4=@MID(#3,@INSTR(#3, " ") +1, 25); #3=@LEFT(#3,(@INSTR(#3, " ") -1))} This procedure will work with or without middle names. If there are no middle names, follow the steps exactly and then remove the Middle field. The expected format for the names is First Middle Last instead of Last, First Middle. NOTE: This can be used as a Program Spec as well as in a Mass Update provided one change is made: change ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> Whole Name: #1 to ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> Whole Name: >#1:GOTO #5 Application: Any basic mailing list could need this procedure. Q & A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2105 Page 1 of 1