Marking Every Nth Record This procedure will mark records that are n records apart. In this example, we will mark every 25th record. You may need to add two fields to the database. Then select Mass Update from the file menu and enter the following on the Update Spec: Rec Num: #1 = @NUMBER Nth Rec: #2: IF @INT(#1 / 25 ) = #1 / 25 THEN #2 = "X" ELSE #2 = "" This example will put an "X" into the "Nth Rec" field of every 25th record. To change which records are marked, simply change all of the enhanced numbers to a new number. Application: Mail merge to a fraction of your mailing list while keeping a random sampling of the alphabet. Q&A Application Note Rev. 6/92 #2118 Page 1 of 1